Coming To Terms.

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Paper piled in and filled desks. One sat empty though as officers passed by and the absence was felt as moral dropped lower than it had been in a while and Hotch stormed down the steps with a folder in his hands. As the team expected him to lecture them he just forced a smile and walked on.

"Hotch. Hey, Hotch. What's wrong with you?" JJ asked quickly as she walked rapidly behind him. The rest of the team listened in with intrigue.

"I can't get through to Astrid. Now it won't even ring. Three voicemails and multiple texts. I am going to go and see her. Actually, Spencer, you two are close from what I remember. Do you want to come with me? We need to leave for a case afterwards anyway so I will call you all when we leave. Unless you want to come too." The team all grabbed their jackets as soon as he spoke and that seemed to be an answer to his suggested question.

They sat in their cars. Penelope had joined them as typing filled the air and folders were juggled from one place to another. As close as the team may have been it felt like they had only just met Astrid and the real her, scars and all could be talked to but when her front door was approached they all suddenly fell into a moment of awkwardness as none of them wanted to walk in.

With a knock at the door, nothing was moved but the far off sound of audio filled their ears. A movie, video or something similar could be heard as they stood there and without anyone else noticing Reid had grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door as the rest of them had to follow. She was sat in tight black dungarees with a white long-sleeved top below it and socks to match. Tissues were around her and there were also pictures. They seemed to be of her. Some from the wedding day as a long white dress was worn and her hair was tightly curled, though it had grown a lot since then.

A tall, dashing man with a smile that could melt the clothes off of their target was seen as he seduced all of the visitors. Friends and family were there as they tied the knot finally.

"Dad, Tim and I have spoken and it has been a year since we got married but obviously we are struggling to have a kid because of Tim so, I am going to start IVF." Cheers and the sound of movement was heard. A shuffling around the space. Suddenly there was a pregnant pause and another video began. The whole team stood at the door watching what was on the screen.

"Tim. Stop. Haha. We need to find a house and I need to get a wedding dress. The flowers haven't been even looked at and I keep biting my lips so they will look as dry as the Sahara desert. Stop, I'm... Tim... I'm ticklish." The video paused and then the next one began.

Shorter hair with a delicate curl was seen and large glasses covered most of the face. Not much makeup was worn and a crop top with tiny shorts were seen as her hands held the sandals. The largest and realest smile was seen as she swung her body to and fro as a boy spoke to her. He was cute and seemed to be quite interested in what she could do for him as he winked and smiled at her before his lips met her cheek, once he started walking away, so did Astrid, she walked back to the person holding the camera.
"I would say something but you do this so often that I can't even mock you."

"I do not."

"Poor Alfredo thought he had a chance this morning. Some girls just have an air about them that makes the boys like them and you know how to play on that. At your side, I don't even get a mention. Astrid the man-killer." Astrid smiled and nudged the person before the camera switched to another video.

Astrid wore a covering outfit and a few bruises could be seen but only if attention was paid to her. Hair was pulled into a plait and the fridge was open as the food slowly disappeared from around her into it.
"Astrid. What are you up to?" He had a cockiness in his voice that was unnerving and the words were so casual it seemed harmless but the woman in the video tensed fractionally.

"Just putting the Christmas food away. I know we said not too much but I found out that you invited the guys over so I grabbed some more. I got your favourite as well. Mince pies." Her head wasn't seen as she left it in the fridge. The camera froze and blacked out once again.

"So. What is the plan today?" A woman with freckles all over and a little extra weight stood beside Astrid as obvious bruises were seen on her.

"My leg still hurts so Tim said that I should just stay at home. We can watch something if you want. I just bought a new movie." Green eyes of worry watched for a few seconds while Astrid couldn't see before finally the look was lost and glee claimed the friend's face as she agreed to it. The video stopped there.

Before he could think Spencer walked in and the crying Astrid looked up at him until he knelt down in front of her and he just smiled.
"Hey, Astrid. We haven't seen you in ages." The folder in his hand was dropped to the floor as his hands rested on her knees gently before her arms moved and she hugged him tightly as tears dropped onto his clean shirt.

"I miss him so much."  She managed to wiggle out before his hands went to her hair and he rubbed her head to comfort. Something he had seen her do with some survivors and he saw how it worked on them.

"How long ago did he die again?" Morgan whispered to the group at the door who had kept to their area.

"Like 20 something months ago. Basically two years I guess." JJ whispered as they all then watched the snow outside and it reminded them of the joys that winter usually brought people and their eyes moved towards the woman again before they all backed up slightly, allowing the pair to be together.

"Do you have a case?" Her words caught Spencer off guard but she pulled back and wiped her eyes before looking down as the file he had just placed down.

"Yeah, but we won't expect you to come with us. We don't want you to come back too soon and not be ready for it." His words aimed to give her comfort as his thumb wiped more tears away from her cheeks.

"What? And keep moping around? No point in this pity party. I have been stewing in my own thoughts for a long time now." Her sniff was quiet but she was serious as she stood and began to pack up her pictures and the shoes she had put beside her were pulled on as well as the belt.

"Have you started to profile the killings yet? Any leads or funny thing... Hey. Didn't see you guys there, uh, how is everyone doing?" They all nodded as her eyes locked on them but quickly she got back to packing and then she was ready to leave the home she had built.

Not much else could be uttered as she tried to remember that life hadn't actually changed but their opinions and knowledge of her had. The drive to the jet wasn't quiet as the whole team spoke non-stop. Astrid was quiet though as she just listened to those in the car. Their voices were soothing and it wasn't until they got into the jet that Astrid took a step away. They had all huddled together to work the case and her body moved to take a step back before joining them again.

"Right, my pony loving companions, three bars have been shot up, they are all small bars with live performances, dancers and singers. Part of the way through, a group of four come in, not always together and they shoot the performers. None of the crowd are hurt and nothing more is seen or heard from them for another week." Garcia finished up before studying the profiler's faces.

"The killer could have an issue with a performer. The audience is forced to watch though so it has to be linked with them. Maybe the unsub or all of the unsubs saw something as a member of the crowd, " Prentiss suggested with a serious tone to her voice.

"They are attacks, they want to cause terror and if they continue in the pattern they have been going in, they should be aiming for a bar in this area next." Spencer placed his folder down and pointed to an area on the map, pen having connected the dots from before.

"We should head down there then. Right, when we get back, Astrid and Spencer can work on the profile and the rest of us can go to the last two bars. The first one is now closed." Hotch finished up talking and as soon as he did, Astrid moved to the corner of the jet and sat on the end of the bench where none of the team could hear her before she started a phone call.

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