N. O. P.

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Pens tapped and faces wiped. Cases could take a long time but sometimes it felt like too long. JJ was almost always on her phone to her family and sending all of the kisses she could.

"It's almost Christmas, " Astrid complained while widening her eyes and pouting her lips at Rossi.

"Got anyone special to celebrate it with?" Ross asked with a wink for her. The small moustache was wiped as he spoke.

"No, well. I have sent some presents off to family but nothing else. I just like to be at home for Christmas. To put up a tree, put up the lights and listen to all of the awful music while watching corny Christmas movies just to waste my brain cells a little further." A smile grew over Rossi's face as he thought over his own holiday.

"I get to spend it with the kids." JJ reminisced while sipping at her coffee and looking at the board of victims.

"A whole board of victims that lost their loved ones just before Christmas. The Owen's house had some of Oscar's presents under the tree. They said that they were going to give the presents to the local charity for children at Christmas. If he couldn't have them his parents figured somebody should." Derek felt a painful ache in his chest for a second and Astrid let her hand rest on his shoulder while looking down at the ground.

"I normally help out in the local charity for kids at Christmas. The look on their face is priceless. To be honest I normally donate a load as well. If I have been busy it might just be money. Last year I got to watch one of them open a present I had donated." A longing look was seen as they checked out the board and Hotch walked in. His eyes glued to them as he watched to see what they were looking at. Eyes met the board of victims.

"What's on all of your minds?" JJ smiled and walked back to the seat she had taken as a pen was in her hand again and she made notes around the words before her. None of it seemed important to her though as it wouldn't help them. Just fill all of their heads with useless information that could lead to the wrong conclusion.

A ringing brought the room to a stop as Hotch went for his phone and answered it immediately. His face becoming stern as he listened intently.

"Penelope Priest. 12-year-old girl. Neighbours saw her being dragged into a van. It matches the description we have." They didn't need to be told twice. It seemed that the killer was careless or he was lucky in the past. It seemed that nosey people could one day save the world.

Hotch climbed into the car with JJ and Emily while the rest climbed into another car. Astrid was behind the wheel as they headed off. The sirens carried as Derek pointed in the right directions.

Two black cars swerved in and out of traffic as they searched for a large black van.

"It was well polished and cared for. No number plate like the video. Said that the back had two doors, the man behind the wheel was, turn left, tall and looked strong. The kid walked to him willingly because he said that he wanted to talk to them about their mum and dad. He is Hispanic and Garcia is trying to get a match from the description and the profile we put together. She will call Prentiss if she gets anything." Derek was speaking quickly and it made Astrid's pulse raise but it seemed that it was only her pulse. The two men sat in the back with their vests on and holding to the handle on the roof of the car, their faces were completely blank.

"There," Spencer shouted and moved his hand to the front of the car. A black van moved off in the distance, just ahead of them. Astrid put her foot down and they moved faster as the public moved the various cars out of the way. Flashes of light passed as the chase occurred and Rossi was heard on the phone as the vehicle sped up.

After five minutes and driving down all of the wrong roads in the wrong directions the black van was so close as it was tracked. The road had to be checked but the van hurried on and the time was passing. It was likely that the child wasn't strapped into a seat so the quicker the kid was out of the car the better.

"Randy Morris. He is ex-military and recently he was kicked out because he kept having episodes caused by his OCD. He couldn't shoot because of this or he had to shoot to keep it in a pattern. He was supposed to get treatment but he went off the handle a few weeks in because he said that the tablets were taken too sporadically." There was no room for the words to be understood by Astrid but they were heard. It would be taken in a little later but all that mattered to her was catching him.

"Peninsula. There is a hotel called the Peninsula in Chicago and I would bet that is where he is headed." Astrid didn't know much but she could figure it out as the van moved. The city was full but it was off-peak so it could have been busier.

The van suddenly stopped and a man was seen as he got out. There would be seconds before he killed or took the girl to be killed. It was too public to kill her outside and just by the doors.

"Let me talk to him." Rossi climbed out and was by the side of the van quickly. His gun was poked so the four in the car climbed out. Their guns would have to do. Rossi had his soothing voice on as he forced his heart to slow.

"Randy. Randy. Don't do this. Look at her. She is so young and she has so much to look forward to. You know, so many other people could be helped. She could help change the world if you just let her go." He was trying to play into something but none of them knew his mind.

"No. Stay back. She dies just like the rest of them." His eyes were a light green but his soul was dark so his emerald eyes looked heavy and dark. So unlike what they could have been.

"Why do you do it? Why kids? Why the alphabet?" Rossi seemed to be trying to reason with him but it wasn't easy to reason with a killer. Nevermind if they couldn't see that they were doing anything wrong.

"It happened out there didn't it? In war. Did you have to kill a child, Randy? Your OCD, it makes you want to complete it. She was five, that is why they are all hurt from five metres. Why Randy? What was the kid's name?" Astrid had spoken out as she approached Rossi, her gun being pocketed and her hand then being held out in surrender.

"I didn't mean to. I promise. I was told to shoot and I told her that I didn't want to but she told me that it was kill or get killed. I pulled the trigger. She was just a child." Astrid took a step forward as he closed his eyes with the tears welling up. She had to save the girl.

"What was her name?" Astrid asked carefully. Her hands never lowering and her chin lifting slightly at the small girl, African American and shaking from fear. Blue eyes filling with tears.

"Talis T. I never knew what the T was. My commanding officer told me to get over myself. She told me that names make it personal and they make it complicated." He was almost sobbing but the gun was at the girl's head and his finger was twitching, the thought of pulling the trigger could be seen as he toyed with the idea.

"Do you want to know something Randy? Would you like to know my name?" He looked up and seemed to tense slightly. His hand was shaking more though so he may have missed. That and his OCD wouldn't let Penelope be shot in the side of the head. It had to be the chest. He wasn't five metres away either.

"Astrid Atlas. My name is an alliteration as well. But, I'm not a child and you already finished A. Randy, put the gun down. Penelope isn't Talis, I am as much Talis as she is. Come on." His trembling hands let the gun drop but it never hit the ground as Astrid had it and then she handed it to Rossi. Derek had pounced on Randy and began to read his rights to him as soon as he could. Astrid focused on the girl though. Astrid's hand moved to hug her as tears soaked into the soft fabric of the top. Pale hands wiped down the small girl's back and darker ones wrapped around her shoulders. They hugged tightly as tears left the shaking girl. The girl who had nearly lost her life all because she wanted to talk about her parents to him.

"Mummy." Was sobbed out and Astrid held her for a second longer before standing up properly again and walking away, towards the car with the promise of seeing her parents. Spencer had watched it all, so had the second car and they all saw something that was a little unexpected. Her skirt had picked up slightly and a large tattoo sat over her left thigh.

"A sun and moon. The sun is often recognized as a symbol of rebirth, strength and power. The moon is associated with the female in many cultures, often in the form of a goddess."

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