Grave Side.

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The landing had barely been over when the cars were running and the team picked a random seat to take. Astrid was in the back of one car with Spencer right at her side. Due to the local police being the drivers there was a lot less room and both parties had to actively avoid any contact. Garcia was on the other side of Astrid though and they didn't bother avoiding contact. It was harmless.

"So, Astrid. Anything we should know about Alice? A psychotic mind? Is she easily scared? Do we need to take precautions?" Rossi had spoken over his shoulder as his eyes darted to the three in the back. An image of the other car filled his mind as he pictured Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss all squeezed in the back.

"No. She is stubborn and brilliant. I haven't spoken to her in a while but she loves the world. Her kids are all she cares about though. One thing I do know is that Alice won't be the most telling of people. She has survived for so long in a relationship made for the devil." Astrid had mumbled and everyone else sat, waiting for more to be said but nothing else was uttered. They knew that there had to be more to Alice and Atlas than met the eye. The team just didn't know what that was.

"Talis and Alice made friends because they lived in close proximity to one another. I just so happened to be visiting California for a while and they thought it would be nice to meet up. I only knew their names and they only knew mine and even that was breaking the rules." That seemed to be a conversation killer as the car went silent until they reached their destination. An office had already been scouted and Hotch stood at the helm. Spencer was unsure of the room as it seemed a little small but they all fit in. Even if it did mean he had to sit close to Astrid again.

"Ah. All of you that just came in. I want you here for the interviews. Astrid, I would like you to be the one with Alice and a man with you to see what she will do. After the interviews go to the graves. We are going to the morgue and visiting families. Derek, you can stay here too. I want all eyes on Alice because she might just be our key." Alice was a headstrong girl and no matter who was asking the questions, she would put up a fight. Astrid just knew she would.

The team were up and out before anything else could be said. Spencer moved to the coffee machine and made himself a drink as the others headed to the interview room.
"What's up with Kid Genius? Seems awful quiet to me." Rossi nodded and watched as Spencer kept rubbing and smoothing down the legs to his trousers but it was done only on a specific area. His thighs.

The interrogation room was found and Derek stood behind the glass as Rossi followed. A silent idea was found that the younger two would question her as she may open up more. Spencer took a second to arrive though so Astrid waited at the door and let him walk in first.

"They sent you? The FBI is either the smartest thing in the world or the dumbest." Spencer's tie and unkept hair took her notice first. His suit wasn't really a suit as his shirt stuck out and he had no jacket to cover him. His shirt was rolled at the elbow though and his shoes matched his trousers. His gun in a holster at his hip.

"Think again." Astrid interrupted as she walked in behind him. A smile grew on Alice's face as they moved closer and a hug was shared between them.

"Didn't know you worked for the FBI. Spud just said that you moved on." Alice grinned back. Spencer then started the interview.

"Ms Tello. Can you tell me anything about your ex-husband?" Alice bit her lip as he spoke to her.

"Please call me Alice. Tello is his name. I can't tell you anything. I knew he was released but nothing else. He isn't allowed anywhere near me or the kids. Not even a text." Her voice was chipper as her dark eyes stuck to the female agent.

"Do you know any of these women or their husbands even?" Astrid spoke as pictures were pulled out from the file and placed on the table. Female smiling faces shone up from the table. Wives of all the dead men and pictures of the deceased still in uniform were placed out. No husbands were at the side of the wife though.

"Yeah. There was a group of us. Of police officers who fit into a criteria. The same one Astrid was in. It had a massive leak and all of the names were found out. Only the people in the group knew though because it was posted and text to the members. I wasn't a member anymore. After the court case and all, but a woman I worked with was on it and she told me. The group is now closed." Alice sounded sorry as she spoke the last line. She knew how important the group was after all.

"What was this specific criteria?" Nothing was returned and it seemed that small fact was something they had all agreed to not discuss.

"Can this be over? My kids are all out there and the longer I am away from work the less money I have to feed them." Alice snapped back suddenly.

"Just a few more questions," Astrid spoke and her arms moved to gather up the images again.

"You are a strong girl. Well-spoken and loved in the community. Why didn't you tell anyone?" Spencer was keeping his eyes on the girl as she sat and kept her eyes on the female agent.

"Why didn't you?" Alice retorted, her eyes pinning to the other female in the room.

Astrid stood with a start. Alice didn't let her eyes leave the woman but a flinch from Alice was seen as it happened. Something Derek didn't miss as both of them seemed to be very jumpy.

"I will go check on your kids and get some work done as well." No look was sent back as red hair then moved in a hurry, out of the room.

"Oy. Kitten. What was that all about?" Nothing was said as eyes searched out the kids and they were seen to be having fun. Saturday was supposed to be a day with the family for them. Not a day of living through the abuse again.

"I am going to head off to the graves. See what the damage is." Once again the hair followed behind and the flat shoes were seen. Glasses had to be pushed up her face again but Derek followed closely.

"Rossi, can you take this one with Spencer? I will go with Bunny." Rossi nodded and slowly walked into the room.

Derek ran out to the car and saw that it hadn't even started. A cold engine was met and the woman in the front just faced forward. It appeared she had been expecting him.

"Look, Bunny. Alice has no right to judge you for not saying anything. You were police at the time. Both of you knew that if she didn't press charges nothing would happen." Her face was unbroken as the engine finally started and they began their drive to the grave. Derek had tried to direct her.

"I know the way to the cemetery. Besides, Alice wasn't angry with me for not talking about her abuse. She was talking about something else. Something that isn't about her at all." When she had finished speaking the engine had stopped and they both climbed out.

"I am assuming that the graves were randomly selected?" Derek nodded and they walked on into the cemetery together.

They had walked the winding path as gates and long walks seemed to prevent the majority of parties there. Trees were planted and hung all over the path as they moved along. A local police officer had found the pair and so followed. Before any graves were met though Astrid stopped suddenly. Her eyes took in the space and a gravestone. Astrid had focused on one stone, vines had grown around it and the soil had grass poking through it. Dirt was settled in the letters as well as long pieces of grass.

"Can you check this one as well? I believe that it is likely to have been tampered with." The officer had practically run off in search of the team and that left the two agents alone. Astrid may not have mentioned the person who had died before but the reminder seemed to shock Astrid as she walked over to the stone and crouched in front of it.

A soft and trembling hand stretched out as the vines were all pulled back. The sound of approaching men and women filled Derek's ears but he wanted to see what she was up to.

Eventually, the vines were cleared and the dead sets of flowers that had been left to die under them were thrown to the side. Delicate fingers began to trace the letters that carved the stone.

"Here lies Timothy Elliot Atlas. A beloved husband, son and a devout police officer who died too early to spread his joy to all. Rest in peace. Died 21st March (pick a year. I didn't want to tie my story down to a series or episode.) Aged only 33." Derek found his eyes growing itchy and heavy while he watched the scene play out. His mind was growing groggy and the sight forced him to take deep breaths in and then out.

After half an hour of digging, another body was found but the two FBI agents had been quiet for the whole time as only sniffs would leave Astrid who never stopped crying. Derek knew that something was going on but his lips kept still as he stood beside her.

Spencer's Worst Best Friend.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang