I got Tagged...😐

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Sorry. This isn't an update, as you can probably tell from the title. Lol 😂

I got tagged by InTheForestPrimeval and while usually I don't do tags and I just ignore it when someone tags me, I just thought it'd be fun to do it this one time.

So here goes...

So here goes

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1. Yes, I do care what people think about me. I mean, everybody has their insecurities and all, and So do I. Like, EVEN the girl you think is skinny and beautiful might care excessively about what others think of her. That's just how us girls are. (Unless you're different and you don't give a damn what others think, but to each their own 😅).

2. My middle name is Marie.

3. I...don't really have a favorite sport (Does writing count? 😅)

4. Someone I can't live without is probably....idk really. All I can think is; what if that somebody you never thought you could live without is already gone? (Lol, like Japeth without Aric 😂).

5. My Best friend is named Avonlea.

6. Alligator or Al are a few nicknames of mine.

7. Haha. I'm definitely not sexy, so I'm more cute I guess. 😂

8. My preferred pronouns are she/her.

9. Yes, a few people have asked me out before, but that was back in middle school.

10. Three pet peeves of mine would have to be when I see so many obnoxious students in the halls of my school acting like idiots, when I have to cross the crosswalk and a car is coming (I know the cars have to stop for you, but I just HATE crossing the street when I see a car coming), and also when I try to talk to my parents about Japaric, and they're just like, "Nobody wants to hear it. Go away." Lol 😂

11. I believe in soulmates mostly in fantasy. I mean, I've never experienced what it's like to be in love or whatever, but I'd like to believe for instance that Japeth and Aric are soulmates. 🥰

12. I am emotional. But I mean, who isn't? (Besides Aric after he left Japeth behind in Arbed House in, "His Darkened Heart").

13. Words I say often include; "JAPARIC," "SGE," and "ROPHIE." But mostly Japaric. Lmfao 😂

14. Ughhh.... dude. Okay—fine. Here I am:

Sorry...I deleted my face reveal pic a little bit ago, cause whatever... 🤷‍♀️

My apologies for the outfit, I'm a big Walking Dead fan so I'm wearing a TWD hat and matching hoodie. Who else loves zombies?

15. My favorite picture of someone else would probably have to be this one:

 My favorite picture of someone else would probably have to be this one:

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This was my pet rat, Rosalie. She recently passed away on December 14th 2020, so yeah...Rest in peace, little one. 😔

16. I'm only gonna tag like 8 people cause whatever, I can do what I want:

Rafal_MasterOfEvil (Haha. I literally just tagged my other Profile cause, Why not?)

So yeah, that's basically itttt...Umm, anyway, I'll try my Best to work on chapter 18 of "His Broken Heart," soon so I can get it out for you guys, but it might take a week or so.

ALSOOO... one tiny, itty bitty question. Some of you may not have read my Bonus chapters in, "His Darkened Heart," where I write little one shots of whatever SGE ship you want me to write about. I started doing those Bonus Chapters cause they're easy to get out on Wattpad when I'm still working on an actual chapter in my fanfics.

Anyway, I was wondering if you guys want me to continue those Bonus chapters. They'll be in, "His Darkened Heart," and if you DO want me to continue them, please let me know and GIVE me SGE ships and scenarios to write about. Thank you.

Alexis Peters ❤️

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