Chapter 22 Don't Lose Yourself

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A/N—The answer to the previous question at the end of chapter 21 was C.), so be sure read on to find out what pushes Japeth over the edge!!! 😆👍

"But what I'm already lost...What then?"


Japeth felt like he was drowning.

No. Literally. Japeth felt like he couldn't breathe as if a heavy weight was pressing against his chest, and his lungs screamed for air.

Something heavy and sticky stained his abdomen and he winced at the shock of pain that ripped at him like a vengeful monster whose claws had shredded his flesh. Japeth had felt pain before, and this pain was somewhat similar to the pain Japeth had gone through from his first fight with Tedros, the fight in which he'd let Tedros beat him at first all because his brother insisted he do so.

During that fight, Japeth had been beaten black and blue. After that fight, his whole body had felt sore and his mind had been numb, but he wasn't black and blue this time. This time, Japeth had to deal with a particularly deep stab wound that felt like an intense burning sensation scorching his whole body.

Japeth was almost too afraid to look down, feeling the blood flow over his hand, staining his fingers red. When he finally did muster up enough courage to finally take in the damage, he found that there was an ugly stab wound inflicted into his sternum, large enough that he could stick the tips of his fingers in. The sides of the wound were merely torn flesh and skin, like two little flaps that could be pulled back. The front of his golden jacket was drenched in blood, and the blood was a deep red, almost a black color, that spilt from the gaping wound in Japeth's stomach.

The painful sensation only flared to a crescendo as Japeth pressed his palm against the wound to prevent anymore blood from escaping. But it was no use, and the blood escaped between the cracks in his fingers to dribble down the front of his chest.

Japeth could feel his soul leaving him as if an invisible force had wrapped tightly around his soul and was struggling to tug it from his body. But Japeth wrestled his soul back, fearing the death that would surely come to him if he didn't find a way to heal himself.

For the first time, Japeth looked around him and found that he was surrounded by castles, towering structures with tall, pointed spires. Each individual castle was different. Two stood close to each other, one that was white and old, and the other that was black and decorated with new features; the school for good and evil, Japeth recognized.

The third and last castle, righted on the other side of Japeth, was built with golden accents and flags waving atop towers. Flags depicting the familiar logo of a lion, snake and eagle; Camelot's seal.

Japeth caught notice of the sun sinking below a cluster of buildings that were situated a little further back, in the distance, beyond the school for good and evil. He recognized the tallest building's tiled roof and big steps.

Arbed House...Foxwood.

As Japeth watched, the sun sank lower in the sky, easing down behind Arbed House and in the sudden darkness, the sun's rays lit all three focus points up. The School for Good and Evil, Camelot's castle, and Arbed House each became silhouetted by rays of the setting sun.

A sheet of darkness swept across the sky, but there were no stars in the inky black. Only a deep, impenetrable oblivion swallowed the sun up, casting the many structures surrounding Japeth in sudden shadow.

For a moment, Japeth did nothing but stare up at the darkened sky as he pressed harder against the wound in his sternum. There was a deafening silence hanging in the thick stifling air Japeth couldn't seem to break.

SGE  His Broken Heart (Sequel to His Darkened Heart) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum