What if?

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Natasha's POV

Once we got the call the Peter was at school we all knew what we had to do. We went to the living room and sat in silence until Steve spoke up. "It- it can't be a coincidence"

"Well no shit" Clint said. Clint was acting mean. Not his type of mean. After all he was really close with my маленький паук. He must be taking it hard.

"He has his birthmark and his scar on his face." Tony blurted out. He was scared. I can tell. He looked nervous, and he kept on fidgeting with his hands. "You mean the one he got when Clint was trying to teach him archery?" Wanda asked.

She must have read one of our minds to get that information. "Sir I don't mean to get your hopes up, but he matches almost 95% of what Peter Stark would look like at the age of 15" Vision said.

I flinched at the name. I must have not been the only one because Bucky was trying to console Steve. "He hates scrambled eggs with onion just like he used to. His favorite snack is chips ahoy with cold milk. He gets excited over Star Wars just like he used to." I said while trying not to get my hopes up.

"He also rambles on just like him, and he acts just like him when he's upset or something's bothering him." Happy said while startling us. We must have been too caught up in the situation to notice him come in.

"He asked me what паук meant. He looked worried and concerned. It's bothering him, and it's bothering us too. We need to test Peter's DNA" Happy said.

"But what if we're wrong? What if it's not him? What if we got our hopes up for nothing? What if-" Tony said but was cut off by Pepper. When did she get here? My guard must be too down.

"What if Peter Parker is Peter Stark? What if he's your little boy that was taken from you 11 years ago?" Pepper said as she sat next to Tony.

"If we do the DNA test on Peter Parker we can get the results in 5 minutes. If he really is Peter Stark then we'll get the results in 30 seconds." Vision said.

"I know when you were in a serious relationship with Mary that it really affected you. The relationship gave you a son and a new family. I know you guys may have ended it badly but if that weren't to happen we wouldn't have all gotten as close." I said while looking down.

If Peter Parker really was Peter Stark then something must have happened to him. We all thought he was dead. Even when we searched and searched. Even when I called out for him so many times...

I must have been caught up in my thoughts because next thing I know Clint's hugging me. Why is he hugging me? Then I realize I started crying. I must have set everyone off because now everyone was crying and Vision even had some sort of tears in his eyes.

I hugged Clint back and we both started sobbing. Which then resulted to all of us eating pints of ice cream and watching old videos we had with Peter Stark.

"We're going to get Peter's hair sample and tell him it's for an experiment. I'm pretty sure he'll be too excited to ask questions. We'll do this when everyone's here. I'm going to need to call Rhodes." Tony said as he left the room to call Rhodey.

"Someone get a hold of Thor, Loki, Heimdall, the Guardians and Fury. We need them here to get their opinions on this." Tony said as he yelled from a guest room.

"I've got Fury covered. One of you is going have to go to space and get the three gods and Heimdall." I said as I left to call Fury. I hope he's my маленький паук.

3rd Person POV

Wanda and Vision went to get Thor and Loki. Heimdall couldn't come. Even though Loki nearly destroyed New York City he was mind controlled and the Avengers were cautious around him but stopped when he saved Peter Stark's Life. Bruce was already back at the tower and Rhodey was on his way back. The Guardians couldn't make it.

Happy was currently picking up Peter from school and listening to his rambles about his day and answering Peter's questions about him when he asked. Peter was unaware on how this day was going to change his whole life even more.

The Avengers all had a plan. Loki and Thor would hide in their guest rooms to try not to scare the boy and everyone would try to act as normal as they would act. Fury would be in a conference room watching everything. Loki was very nervous. Peter Stark was the only midgardian he really truly liked.

After Thor's crying session and Loki's worries they finally got themselves together and prepared themselves for the worst or the best.

Then Peter came in. "Hey Mr Stark" Peter said as he entered the Avengers floor. "Hey kid, what's up?" Tony said trying to act cool. "Just the usual. Any new experiments or inventions that need our attention on this fine day?" Peter asked while following his mentor back to the elevator.

"Friday take us to my lab and yes I do have a new experiment. Bruce and I are trying to find a way to get DNA results faster. I need some volunteers and since none of the Avengers want to do it, so you're my only hope" Tony said trying to convince Peter to accept.

"What type of sample ?" Peter asked. He was internally freaking out. If it was a blood or saliva DNA test then Tony would see that he's half spider DNA. If it were a hair DNA thing then he would be fine.

"Just a hair sample" Tony said nonchalantly as they both entered the lab. "Sure thing Mr. Stark." Peter said relived since he didn't have to let his mentor down.

"Do you want me to pull out your hair or do you want to do it yourself ?" Tony asked trying to hide his nervousness. "Oh I got it." Peter said as he handed Tony his hair.

Tony then put Peter's hair and put it in a small vial. Then the process started. Tony then asked Peter if he could get some water bottles from the mini fridge for them both. As Peter was walking to get the water bottles, Tony had set for the machine to check if Peter had Tony's DNA.

As Peter was walking back with the water bottles the machine dinged. 30 seconds later. The computer had said match and Friday immediately alerted every Avenger. Tony looked at Peter with frantic eyes. It's him. It's really him. Tony thought to himself.

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