Peter Stark.

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Tony's POV

We all watch carefully as Peter fell asleep. I know everyone is going to want to say something but won't say anything until we know he's fully asleep. "Hey Fri, is Peter asleep?" I ask while brushing my hand through his curls.

"Peter Stark is currently asleep." Friday says. I felt joy overfill me when Friday's says those words. Peter Stark. "I can't believe it's him" Steve starts off. "After all these years...he's here. He's finally here"

"You better believe it" Clint says while keeping his eyes on Peter. Just as Bucky is about to say something the elevator opens. Everyone immediately tenses until we see Rhodey coming out the elevator with frantic looking eyes. "Is it him?!" he whisper yells.

Natasha points over at Peter and says "What do you think?" He quickly walks over to Peter and kneels in front of him. "It's really him..." Rhodey says while tears fall down his cheeks. "Yeah it is" I say while adjusting Peter's blanket.

"I see you're in what Clint calls Mama Bear Mode'" Thor whispers as quietly as he can. I chuckle as I remember when we had to teach Thor to keep his voice down when Peter was born.

"Why do you think he can't remember us? He was taken from us when he was four. He has to have some sort of memory of us" Natasha whispers when she noticed Peter start to move around. "He has some sort of memory of us, just in his dreams." I whisper.

"Bruce are you ok?" Thor asks. He must have brought Bruce back from zoning out. "Huh? Oh yes I'm just trying to process this without getting the big guy out. He seems pretty excited that Peter's back." Bruce says.

We all sit in silence until Loki teleports back with Wanda. They both look uneasy and very mad. This won't be good. "May Parker is innocent." Wanda says in a stern voice. "So why are you two upset?" Vision asks.

"While Ms. Maximof was in May Parker's mind she picked up someone else's mind that just so happened to be a double agent. We immediately got rid of the agent right after we found out what happened to Peter when he was kidnapped." Loki scowled.

"Well, what happened to him?" Vision asks. All of us are too afraid to ask. "They took his blood to make it seem like he was bleeding out, they tried to erase his memories, and they did successfully do it but if he ever tries to remember again it will be very painful, mentally and physically." Loki said. I could tell he was extremely upset because he constantly would tell us that Peter is and will forever be his favorite Midgardian.

Just as I was about to ask a question I heard Peter whimper in his sleep. Everyone looked at him carefully. He tosses and turns in my lap and I start to freak out. Right as I try to calm him he shoots up letting out sobs while screaming, " PAPÀ! PAPÀ. AIUTATEMI! PAPA' AIUTATEMI!"

I immediately pull Peter into my chest, trying to calm him down. "Va tutto bene, sei al sicuro qui con me e tutti gli altri." I reassure him, and he seems to understand because at those words I can feel him start to calm down. I brush my hand through his curls, and it seems to calm him down.

Right as he's falling asleep he says something I believe is in Russian, "Не позволяй им снова схватить меня. Не позволяй им поймать меня. Все вы мне нужны. Ты мне нужен, папа." At those words Bucky is sobbing into Steve's Chest, Wanda is sobbing into Visions chest, and Natasha is full on crying. It must be bad because Natasha is extremely vulnerable right now.

Right as I'm about to ask what it means I hear Wanda's voice in my head telling me what he was saying. Don't let them grab me again. Don't let them catch me. I need you all. I need you, dad.

At that we're all sobbing and Loki's turning blue and Bruce Hulks out. But the big guy doesn't seem to do anything. He's just crying. I guess Bruce is learning to work with the big guy.

Thor somehow makes it start raining and thunder outside which wakes Peter up again. "What's going on? And why is Hulk crying?" Peter groaned as he tried to understand what was happening. He sits up, curiosity filling his eyes.

Right as we're about to say something Rhodey tackles Peter into a hug. Peter didn't seem surprised and hugged back. "This feels nice and pretty familiar" Peter murmurs. I can tell he's feeling sleepy again. He always did that we he was younger.

Right as Rhodey pulls away Peter's eyes seems to fill with realization. "Uncle Rhodey?" We all look at Peter with eyes filled with excitement until Peter starts crying out in pain and blacks out. "Bruce, what do we do?!l" I ask, but I remember that Hulk is still here.

"Hey big guy, do you think you can let Bruce take control? We need him right now to help Peter." Natasha asks. Hulk seems to understand because Banner is standing right in front of us again.

"What happened?" Bruce asks while looking at all of us for and answer. "No time to explain, but Peter blacked out, and I don't know what to do." I say while frantically taking Peter to the Med bay after Bruce signals me to follow him.

"Put him on the bed and let me get to work." Bruce says as he does what doctors would regularly do. Shit Shit Shit. I just got him back, and he's already in the Med bay. Breathe Tony. Breathe.

Bruce finally seems to calm down because I hear him let out a sigh of relief. "This must have been what Loki was talking about." Bruce murmurs while looking down at Peter. "Can you help him?" I ask, hoping that he can.

"This type of stuff really isn't my specialty, but I think I know who's it is." Bruce says while checking Peter's heartbeat with his Stethoscope. "Who?" I ask while taking a seat next to Peter.

"Stephan Strange" he says. Holy Shit. I forgot about him. He must be busy because he was close to Peter. After his car crash, he became a different person. Just like me when Peter was born.

"I'll ask Friday to contact him, and can you tell the others that Peter's alright?" I said while brushing out Peter's curls. He gave me a nod and walked away. My heart melted when Peter leaned into my touch.

So many years that I've missed. So much stuff that I could have done with him if he wasn't taken. Now he's 15 and in High School. I promise you Peter. I will make up for everything that I've missed.

A/N: So so so sorry for the late update

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