It's You

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3rd Person POV

Every Avenger at the tower rushed into Tony's lab. They couldn't believe it. Peter Parker is Peter Stark. They found him. They finally found him.

Once they all finally made it to Tony's lab they saw Tony bear hugging Peter and crying. Peter was very confused on why Tony Stark was hugging him and crying. Peter decided to hug him back which felt very nice and familiar to him.

Peter got even more confused when he saw Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, a somewhat green Bruce, and the god of thunder with teary eyes. Now Peter was starting to panic. He brought his attention back to Mr. Stark when he started hyperventilating.

"Mr. Stark, what's wrong?" Peter asked really concerned and started freaking out. Tony didn't answer but only cried more.

In another room you have Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, and Happy Hogan smiling with a few tears in their eyes.(Nick Fury would never admit it) Nick Fury was quick to send agents to May Parker for an interrogation. Pepper Potts was calling people that couldn't make it on time to tell them the news. And Happy was just living at the moment.

Peter's POV

Why is Mr. Stark crying? Why is every Avenger in here crying? Is that the god of thunder?Is that the god of mischief ? What's going on? I look over to see the computer Mr. Stark saw before crying. Match. What's a match with my DNA?

I was then brought out of my thoughts when everyone started tackling me in a hug and crying. Now I'm really scared. "Uhm guys what's wrong?" I asked hoping for an answer. No one answered. I was being hugged by two people I didn't know but felt like I did and the Avengers.

After about 30 minutes everyone pulls away from the hug. There's a long silence when I finally decided to speak up. "What's going on guys? Why are all of you crying?" I ask while trying to hide my panic.

"How about we talk about this in the living room?" Ms. Romanoff suggests while signaling me to follow her. I was about to follow her when I look back to see Mr. Stark zoned out. "Mr. Stark, come on let's go." I say while linking our arms. I have to find some way to comfort him.

Mr. Vision and I believe Mr. Loki are already in the living room. They must have used their powers. As we all get into the elevator there's an awkward silence. Almost everyone sniffling. I tried to let go of Mr. Stark thinking I was bothering him, but he just gripped onto me tighter. I guess he didn't want me to let go.

As we make it into the living room we all sit on couches. Ms. Romanoff sits to my left and Mr. Stark to my right. It seems like every Avenger is trying to get as close to me as possible as if their life depended on it. "What's going on?" I ask.

Everyone looks around. They're all looking at each other until Mr. Rogers says, "I think Tony should tell him." Mr. Stark looked up as he heard his name. "Do you want to tell him?" Mr. Barnes asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked hoping for an actual answer. Mr. Stark fumbles with his fingers while looking down. "When I was younger, I was in the private and very serious relationship. The person I was seeing got pregnant..." Mr. Stark says while still looking down.

"Her name was Mary Fitzpatrick. We had a boy and we named him Peter. When Peter was born she told me that she didn't want to keep Peter and that she changed her mind. So she made me choose between her and Peter. Obviously I chose Peter. So she left me."

"I had no idea on how to raise a baby on my own, but I wasn't alone. I had Steve, Thor, Rhodey, Natasha, Bruce, Loki, and even Clint to help me." Everyone chuckled as Mr Stark said that, but I was in denial. Mary Fitzpatrick was my mother's maiden name. My father was Richard Parker.

"One day when Peter Stark was 4 he was kidnapped. Taken from us, from me. We thought he was dead because of all the evidence leading up to showing he was dead. That was until 11 years later we met you." Mr. Stark said as he looked my in the eyes. He was crying and holding onto my hand.

Please don't say what I think you're going to say. "Peter we saw that you resembled Peter Stark a lot. You have the exact same scar he had when he got hurt by an arrow. You have the exact same birthmark at the exact same place near your hair." he said while trying to hold back his tears.

Please don't say it. I can't handle it if you say it Mr. Stark. "Peter your hair sample wasn't for an experiment to see how fast we can get DNA results. It was to see if you had my DNA." he said as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Peter y-your m-my son" he choked out. No. This can't be true. I can't be. I'm Peter Parker not Peter Stark. The memories... It was their voices I heard calling out to me.

I broke down crying. I was sobbing into Mr. St- my supposedly fathers chest. Oh my Einstein I have a dad. I have a dad that's alive. I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe?


I can't breathe. I can't breathe. No no no. Not again. I can't hear anything. I can barely focus on anything I see. Focus Peter. Focus.

I feel someone put my hand on their stomach and my other hand on mine. Try to copy this Peter. Ok I need to copy that. Did someone say that in my head? My head hurts. I try to copy the breathing, and it's working. Breathe in. Breathe out. Inhale. Exhale. You're doing a good job Pete.

The next thing I know I regain my focus, and I'm doing the 54321 method. I look around and see everyone teary eyed and panicked. "Are you with me Bambino?" Mr. Sta- my dad(?) asks me.

"Yeah, I'm with you Papà" I say without realizing what I said. Then it hits me. May. "I need to tell aunt May." I say while looking frantically at Mr. Sta- my dad(?). That's going to take some time getting used to.

"S.H.I.E.L.D agents are getting her right now. They just need to interrogate the just in case she was part of your kidnapping." he says. I can tell he's mad. I know Aunt May couldn't have possibly been part of my kidnapping, but they don't, so I'll have to stay calm for now. I just want to sleep.

"Can I go to sleep but can all of you like stay here in the living room?" I ask. "I'm exhausted, but it's ok if you don't want I'll understand" I say, but I'm immediately cut off by everyone saying they'll stay with me. I notice that Mr. Loki and Wanda left.

"If you want you can lay your head on my lap. Last time you couldn't sleep on the couch." Mr- my dad asks while patting his lap. I lay my head on his lap and Mr. Rogers puts a nice soft blanket on me. I close my eyes and then fall asleep.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed :) please make sure to vote

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