Rough Start

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Peter's POV

My whole week at work was weird. It was like every Avenger possible was spying on me. On Monday I was being spied on by Captain America, Winter Solider, and Black Widow. I was a little embarrassed because while I was trying to be clumsy I ended up being clumsy on my own.

On Tuesday I was being spied on my Hawk Eye, Ant Man, and Falcon. It was hilarious. Hawk Eye kept on fighting with Ant Man while Falcon was lost somewhere in the vents. They seem like really cool people.

Friday was the weirdest day to me. I felt like someone was in my mind while I was thinking about my favorite vines, and it was giving me a sensory overload and a awful headache, but it was gone in a second and I no longer felt anyone in my head. It must have been Scarlett Witch. As I was working in a lab with some interns I saw Bruce Banner. One of the best scientists in the world. He is so cool. I've read all his books. I want to talk to him, but I'll probably end up messing up.

                 ————— Time Skip—————

Monday Afternoon

"Okay so hear me out Pete. What if we make lightsabers out of Legos? We superglue it, and we fight each other with it." Ned whispered to me while Mr. Hellkins was looking away "I'm down, but I can't today. I have work today. Does Wednesday sound good?" I asked while messing around with my pencil. "Sound good" Ned said while turning his attention back to class.

As the school bell rang I waved goodbye to Ned and got up to start walking towards the exit. And just to my luck Flash stopped me. "Sup Penis" Flash said while snickering with his friends. "Not today Flash" I say while walking away only to be stopped by Flash and pushed into some lockers. "Aww, does Penis think he has a choice to not get beaten?" Flash said while throwing a sloppy punch to my nose.

"Your lucky I have to do something today Penis or you would have been left bloodier." Flash sneered as he walked away with his friends. Bloody? I went to touch my nose only to wince in pain. That's a bloody nose alright.

Wait. Mr. Stark is back today from his business trip today. I run to the bathroom only to see a really bloody nose. I grab as many tissues and try to clean up, but the blood doesn't stop.

I run to the front of the school to see Happy waiting
for me. I run up to the car and get in. "I'm so sorry happy I uh fell and hit my nose really hard. I promise I'll be more on time next time" I ramble while buckling up my seatbelt. Happy just looks at my eyes through the mirror and I could have sworn that I saw worry in his eyes.

When we're on the way to the tower my nose is still bleeding, and I notice that I don't have any tissues left. "Hey Happy, do you have any tissues?" I ask hoping I won't have to use my extra sweatshirt.

Happy takes out a lot of napkins from the compartment in the car and hands them over to me. "Thanks Happy" I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

We get out of the car and make our way towards the entrance. I walk over to see Ms. Daphne helping some people out at her desk. "Hey Ms. Daphne" I say while coughing up the blood going down my throat.

"Hey- oh my gosh Peter, what happened?" She asks with concern in her voice while giving me more tissues. "It's just a bloody nose Ms. Daphne" I say while throwing away the bloody tissues.

"Oh alright" she says calming down. "Mr. Stark says that he wants you to come to his lab on his floor." She says while going back to work and giving me a smile. "Go to the Golden Elevator. The Silver one doesn't have access to the top 10 floors" she says. "Bye Ms. Daphne and thanks for the help " I say while waving goodbye.

I start walking towards the Golden Elevator with my head positioned slightly up. I make my way towards the Golden Elevator and once I get in the doors close.

" Uh Friday?" I ask while grabbing more tissues from my pocket.

"Hello Mr. Parker it is very nice to see you again. You seem to have a broken nose and bloody nose. Do you want me to ask for help?" she asks with concern in her voice. Oh cool she must have gotten updates and gotten feelings.

"Uh no thanks I'm pretty sure it will stop bleeding, and I'll just go to the clinic after. It's also very nice to see- I mean hear you again, and you can call me Peter" I say hoping that Friday would buy the lie I told her about getting help. "Alright Peter, what floor would you like to go on?" Friday asks me while I pull out another tissue for my nose. "I believe floor 90." I say while I feel blood going down my throat. Not good.

I feel the elevator go up as I start to feel dizzy. Woah why is everything spinning? Does this elevator spin? So cool. I try to stop wobbling, but I fall to the ground. Stupwid lwegs. Why can't I thwink stwaight? Oh down I go.

Tony's POV

I hear the elevator open, but I see no one in the elevator. "Hey Friday, where's the kid?" I ask while fixing up my suit.

"He's on the floor unconscious sir. I suggest medical attention fast." Friday says. Oh he's just unconscious. Wait. Holy Shit the kids unconscious.
I run to the elevator to see a very unconscious and bloody teenager. I pick him up and tell Friday to take us to the Med bay.

Jeez this kid is so light. Does he even eat? Or did he lose that much blood? I rush over to the Med bay panicking even more and see Bruce working on some Doctor Stuff. "Hey Bruce I need you to work your Doctor Magic on this kid" I say as I place the kid on the bed.

"Okay first it's not magic. I'm not Doctor Strange. Second of all, what the hell happened to Peter and what did you do?" he says while inspecting the kids nose and makes the bleeding stop.

"Wait, how the hell do you know he's Peter?" I ask while sliding over the chair next to the kids bed. "Uh never mind that, the kid has a broken nose and lost a lot of blood because of the nose bleed. He'll be fine because it seems like his body is working really fast on healing him." Bruce says as he cleans the kid up.

"We'll talk about how you know the kid later." I say while looking over the kid. I wonder who broke his nose because I know a broken nose caused by a punch when I see one. I'm not sure if you could really call the punch he got to the nose a 'punch' because it seems really sloppy. Nat usually punches Captain Crunch in the nose just to see it heal back faster than normal. Wait a minute. I look at the kids nose. Wasn't the nose way more messed up. No... I seriously need some sleep.

I wait 3 hours until the kid wakes up. "Ugh my head." Peter says as he tries to get up. "Well you passed out in my elevator, so I brought you here to the Med bay." I say nonchalantly while facing him and waiting for him to freak out.

"Oh thanks...wait... OH MY GOD MR STARK. OH MY EINSTEIN I'M SO SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE CAREFUL. I PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN. Wait I'm talking too loud. Oh I'm so sorry I talk too loud when I'm nervous. You know what I'll see my way out. I know I messed up today. You should just fire me. And now I'm talking too much let me shut up." he rambles as he wobbly gets up and tries to get his book bag.

Well this wasn't the reaction I was fully expecting. "Hey kid it's alright. Everyone makes mistakes. Now get back on the bed and tell me what happened to you." I say in some sort of dad voice while I take his book bag from him and place it on the floor. "Well uhm I'm really uhm clumsy, so I sort of fell and hit my nose on the door handle." he says while he inspects his nose.

I really don't believe him. I mean Thor is really clumsy, and I don't think anyone can be clumsier than him. But I think this kid will deny it so the least I could do is cheer him up. "Are you feeling better? Do you think you could walk?" I ask while trying to help him get up.

"I think so." he replies as he wobbles but then steadies himself. "Where are we going Mr. Tony Stark Sir?" he asks while grabbing his bag and following me. "We are going to the living room in the towers Avenger Floor and please call me Tony." I say while telling Friday to take us to the Avengers Floor living room. "W-wait the what?!" he asks while freaking out. "Mr. Stark I can't meet them. They're really important people I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to meet someone like me." he rambles, but I interrupt him.

"Kid everything is going to be fine, and I told you to call me Tony. I'm pretty sure everyone is going to like you." I reassure him while the elevator opens, and we walk out.

"Everyone this is Peter." I say as I point him towards the couch. "He is my new personal intern, so please be nice."

A/N: to all my guys, gals, and non binary pals: please make sure to vote if you want:)

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