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Once Upon a Time, a little baby boy was born. It was a peaceful day. However, the boy was not wanted nor loved by his mother. Right after the boy was born he was abandoned by his mother. She didn't even bother to look at him.

Where is his father? You may be wondering. His father was holding him as tears were falling down his face. He was feeling a sort of love he couldn't understand. His arc reactor warming as he looked at those brown Bambi eyes. Those tiny little brown curls that his child got from him.

If you didn't know the father personally, you would probably assume he were to be unfit to take care of a child. You would be wrong if that were you're assumption. Being a parent changes a person. For better or for worse. In this case it is for better.

The little boy was raised by the mightiest superheroes in the world. A deadly assassin, a hundred-year-old man, a birdbrain, a green bean, a clumsy god, and a man that dresses up as a tin can. Of course, it was very stressful to raise a child.

With only one of them having experience with children and most of them having no common sense, they would surely freak out. However, in this case that did not happen. With loads of coffee and finding more people with common sense, they raised a beautiful boy until he was four.

You may be wondering, four? Why four? Aren't you supposed to raise a child until they're finally old enough to take care of themselves? Well dear reader, as you may know, every story has a villain.

It was a regular day at the Stark Tower. A very happy 4-year-old coming back home from Preschool. A very tired Uncle Happy after chasing Peter into his fathers lab. "Papà!" said Peter as he tackled his father into a hug. "Bambi!" said the billionaire as he picked up his son and holding him in his arms. "How was school?" asked the boys father.

"It was good! I got to build a spaceship with Legos!" exclaimed the happy little boy as his father started walking towards the kitchen. "That's good Bambi, are you hungry?" asked his father as he placed the boy on the counter. The little boy nodded fast which made his curls bounce up and down. The father smiled at the boys action sand started making a sandwich.

"Petey!" yelled a very familiar voice from across the room. "Uncle Clint!" the child yelled back. The archer started walking towards the kitchen, picked the boy up and started ticking him. The kitchen filled with Peter's giggle as the boys father just chuckled at them.

"What's going on here?" said a tall, blonde, muscular man as he walked in with a red head following behind. "Uncle Steve, Aunty Nat, help me!" The boy said through giggles.

"Alright, alright, birdbrain, let him eat his sandwich first, and then you can tickle him" said the boys father as he took his son from his uncles arms, placing him on a chair. "Eat up Bambi, you're going to need that energy to fight off Uncle Clint" said the billionaire.

As the little boy began to eat and everyone was watching the boy, they didn't realize that their AI was shut down and hacked into. No alarms went off. It was just pure happiness for 20 minutes until it wasn't.

"Hey Jarvis, can you put on Star Wars for Pete?" asked the boys Aunt expecting a reply from the AI. When there was no response, you could feel the uneasiness starting to grow. "Jarvis?" asked the boys father starting to make his way towards his son to grab him. But right as he was about to grab his child a gun shot was heard.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Stark" said a man with Hydras clothing. He was nearing near the boy and that's when the adrenaline kicked in and everyone started fighting the man. They were unaware that more Hydra soldiers made their way into the tower. Now it was 15 against a pissed off father, a deadly aunt, and two enraged uncles.

The four fought very hard to keep the boy safe. The boy was trying to make his way to the safe room, but he was grabbed by two calloused hands. Panic starting flowing through the boy as he cried out for his family.

The family yelled back for the boy and fought even harder to get to him, but they were drugged. When they woke up the boy was gone, they were in the Med bay, and anger was everywhere. The family tried very hard to find the boy. They thought of the worst possible things that could happen.

Not even a god could find the boy, the world's smartest man, a protector that can see and hear all, Wakanda, the guardians, and the most powerful people in the world.

The father had drowned himself with alcohol and coffee. He became a playboy all over again. His anger was everywhere. He dedicated himself to his work. Eventually he did get help and became sober. Each member of his family became deadlier. They all had slowly started falling apart. Not even saying anything to each other. Eventually they all started coming back to whom they used to be, just with a missing piece that could never be replaced.

It was the most pain anyone has ever been through. But what was more painful was the boys hurt. For 1 year, the sweet little boys memories were erased, and were trying to be replaced with fake ones. That was until a mistake was made. The boy was left unattended and had escaped. He walked the streets of Queens and was found by a young couple.

Of course the young couple had turned the boy into the police, but the government knew the nothing of the boy. The boy was one of the biggest secrets in the universe. The young couple had fallen in love with the boy and worked hard to adopt him. When they were finally successful to adopt the boy, he had already thought they were his biological parents.

With no memory of anything, fake memories started producing in the boys mind. The boy was happy with his family but of course, not everything lasts forever. His 'parents' died in a car crash, so he had to live with his 'aunt' and 'uncle'. Sadly, the boys 'uncle' was shot in front of him and died. You would think that life would stop picking on the boy.

As he grew older, he was bitten by a radioactive spider that made him go through a lot of pain. Life starts going well for him. He's happy, he's a vigilante, and he got accepted to be an intern at Stark Industries. To throw another added bonus, he was chosen to be Tony Stark's personal intern.

The pair grew close, and they didn't know that they were father and son. Of course some noticed that the boy looked a lot like the boy they had lost long ago. It had everyone but the boy so nervous that they had to take a DNA test. That's when they found out that it was the boy that they had lost.

Happiness was in everyone, but it didn't last long. The boy had no memory of them, and it was going to be painful to get them back. It was told it would be a long process but of course Wizard made a drink that would bring the boys memories back. The boy was now crying in his fathers arms with his memories back.

Love was everywhere. His childhood best friend that just so happens to be the princess of Wakanda came storming into the Med bay once the news finally reached her. Tackling her long-lost best friend into a hug. The Guardians of the Galaxy had finally come when they heard the news 3 days later. The boy that had made their way into their hearts had returned.

Everything eventually started going back to normal. The aunt that had raised the boy was introduced to everyone. Now a very grumpy man named Happy was blushing. Months had passed and now everyone was happy and MJ and Ned were filled in and had become best friends with the princess of Wakanda.

Love was everywhere. Happiness was Everywhere. They were finally able to be happy.

The End....or is it?

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