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Peter's POV

I woke up to my head pounding. Everything hurt. I tried sitting up but immediately stopped when I felt a hand stop me. I looked next to me to see Mr. Stark. Why am I here? Then it hit me. I'm not Peter Parker, I'm Peter Stark. Tony Stark is my dad.

I looked around me and noticed I was in a room that looked familiar. I tried to think more and more about why it looked familiar until my head started hurting even more. I didn't even notice that Mr. Stark was trying to talk to me the whole time.

I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe? I feel like I'm going to pass out. I feel my hand being placed on someone's stomach. I try copying the movements. Inhale, exhale. My vision starts coming back to me and I see Mr. Stark, Mr. Banner, and a lot more people looking freaked out.

I finally calmed down and my vision started clearing. Right as I'm about to say something my spider senses go up. I look around but don't see anything. Mr. Stark taps me on my shoulder and brings me back from my thoughts.

"You feeling better kid?" he asks while brushing my curls out of my head. "Yeah, how long was I out?" I ask. "23 hours and 32 minutes"

I look at him in disbelief. I was out for that long? Then that's when a portal starts opening and a man in a cape comes through. He looks as if he was crying because his eyes are puffy.

"Nice to see you Stephen." Mr. Stark say. Stephen. That's sounds familiar. "Nice to see you too." Mr. Stephen replies. Right as I'm about to introduce myself a cape comes towards me and wraps around me.

I see Mr. Stark start to panic, but I think the cape is pretty cool. "Don't worry it's not going to hurt him. I think it seems to like Peter." Mr. Stephen says. "I'm Peter Parker well uhm Stark sir" I say. It's still kind of weird being a Stark.

"It's nice to see you again Peter, you may not remember me, but I remember you." He says. I try to remember him, but I'm immediately brought out of my thoughts when Mr. Stark says, "Don't try to remember again. I don't want you passing out on me again."

"Peter if you'll excuse us I need to talk to your father." Mr. Stephen says. "What?! You're crazy if you think I'm leaving him." Mr. Stark says. "It will only be for a while, you have everyone else here waiting to get to know him more." Mr. Stephen says. Then Mr. Barton speaks up.

"You heard the man. We'll be right here with him. What could possibly go wrong?" Mr. Barton says and everyone pushes Mr. Stark and Stephen out of the room. "IT WILL ONLY BE FOR 30 MINUTES!!! I BETTER FIND HIM BACK IN ONE PIECE OR YOU'RE DEAD BIRDBRAIN"

I laugh at what's going on and then that seems to catch everyone's attention. Well this isn't awkward. "Uhm, hi" I say while giving a little wave. "Look at how much you've grown." Uncle Rhodey says.

"Uncle Rhodey, why can I only somewhat remember you?" I ask. His eyes seem to brighten up even more when I call him that. "I don't know kid, but we'll find out soon." he says. "What do you remember?" Mr. Thor asks.

"Well, I remember something about you and a pop tart war" I say. Everyone seems to smile at that because everyone is telling me what happened. Apparently I used to call Thor, Uncle Thor and we both loved Pop Tarts so much that we had a war on who loved them more.

"What do you remember about me? Don't try to remember hard. I don't want you to pass out again." Mr. Loki says. "I remember something about you being blue and me holding your face. After that you started turning back into yourself." I say.

I must have hit a spot because I saw his eyes starting to water. He then tells me about how he was so scared I was going to hate him for seeing him accidentally turning into a frost giant, but I just held his face and looked at him in awe.

"What about me?" Mr. Barton asks. "I remember you and a blue wooden bow and arrow. I remember me holding the arrow and accidentally scratching my face with it. I think after that I got ice cream, and you hid in the vents because Aunt Nat, Pepper, Aunt Gamora, Nebula, Wanda, Mantis, Aunt Okoye, and technically all the women that know me were trying to kill you." I say while chuckling at the memory.

"I'm sorry I don't remember much. It's like blurs." I say while looking down. "Don't worry Peter. We're all here for you. Now tell me, what do you remember about me." Vision says. "Well I remember some of you as Jarvis. I remember that you used to play me songs to help me sleep and when you finally became Vision, you sang them to me" I say while smiling at the memory.

"What about me?" Wanda asks. "I remember us messing with Uncle Clint because he ate all of Uncle Bucky's cookies. We shrunk his clothes and hid his bow and arrows." I say while chuckling.

I notice Bucky gasp. "I remember you telling me stories about you and Uncle Steve when you were younger. I used to love them so much that I asked you to tell me a story any time you had the chance" I say. He looks so happy.

"I wish I could remember more and not feel pain. I'm sorry..." I say in a hushed tone. I thought they wouldn't hear me but all of a sudden I'm being wrapped into a big bear hug by Steve. "It's not your fault son"

After that we all just end up messing around. Turns out Uncle Clint can fit 39 marshmallows in his mouth. It was very gross but totally worth it because I got 10 dollars from a bet I made with Uncle Steve.

We ended our hang-out session by doing Karaoke. I ended up singing Umbrella by Rihanna. We all sang We Will Rock You by QUEEN which was so much fun. I couldn't remember much after that because my eyes started getting heavier and everyone left the room because my dad came to say goodnight. I could tell he felt bad because he didn't spend time with me. I don't know what came over me but the last thing I could remember is me holding his hand and telling him to stay with me.

The bed was huge which had enough space for the both of us. I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He played with my hair which put me to sleep really fast. "Love you dad" I love you too Bambi" Then it all went dark.

A/N: when I say "went dark" here, I mean we closed his eyes and fell asleep. make sure to vote my lovely people. Sorry for they last update

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