Fifty: Warmth and Plans

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The trees of the Wyldes are so old and solid that they don't tend to move much against the wind. The same couldn't be said about my clothes and hair, but the thick, warm cloak Teyber gave us to sleep under did a good job of keeping out the bite of the wind.

Woolen, waxed, and heavy, these were like the cloaks one would wear to keep out the frequent Eidelhein drizzles off your back. It even smelled of familiar elven spices and smoke. Curled up next to Schula, I could almost pretend we were back in the elven hold for a night, sleeping on the firm floor and Nassir would be only an arm's reach away.

It was enough to drift off to sleep comfortably, and when I was woken in the earliest light of morning, I was disoriented to find myself in the tree.

I blinked awake, the cloak having fallen down to expose my face and shoulder, letting the thin morning light filter across my face through the leaves on the horizon. Stifling a yawn, I regained my bearings and looked around while trying not to disturb Schula.

Something felt warm and close and important. What was it...

My eyes widened and I crawled over to the edge of the treetop platform, looking down but clutching on tight for fear of falling.

'Did I wake you, little one?' Spaulder asked.

'Spaulder! When did you get back?' I asked.

Far below and curled comfortably in a thicket of wild thistle nested a great black dragon. In the cover of dark and the wall of thistle around him, he was as concealed as a giant dragon could reasonably be concealed in a forest. At least the thick and ancient forest was on his side.

'I have been here most of the night, but I did not wish to wake you,' he replied.

I yawned, moving away from the edge. 'Hold on, I'll come down.'

Looking around, there were already a few pairs of alert eyes on me. The elves of Eidelhein were well trained, it would seem.

Of course, with Teyber in charge, it was no wonder.

I moved along to the tree where we first came up. The ropes were already secured and ready to be let down, so it was only a matter of pushing one over the side and climbing it down.

Below, It was easy enough to find Spaulder's thicket. The problem was getting inside of it. Thankfully, Spaulder nudged his head through to meet me, his thick scales unaffected by the thorny plants that would have scratched me up.

'This way, little one,' he said, moving his head and revealing the space he had made.

With a great full smile, I climbed in and curled up against his neck.

'So, what happened after we parted ways?' I asked.

Spaulder settled back down, his warmth keeping me comfortable in the unclaimed Wyldes which were no longer under the magic of the Summer court. The natural world was cold this time of year, and without the warm cloak that Teyber had let us sleep under, the air had a bit of a chill to it.

I snuggled up against him, and he covered the above moonlight with one of his great wings.

'After I gained sufficient distraction and left the battle, I kept above the clouds to observe,' Spaulder said quietly. 'Peyorla took viscous command of the field, starting off the assault quite well considering they were taken by surprise. Once I saw they would not be immediately defeated, I left.'

'That's good, I suppose. Even if I didn't like her.'

Spaulder chuckled. 'After I left, I kept high enough to stay out of sight and observed the line of Winter army that marched through the woods. There are quite a lot of them, but they are spread out. I also saw Thain and Nassir.'

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