Twenty Two: A Short Rest

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Schula yawned, threading her arm through mine as we walked the streets of Thanantholl as it started to awaken. The sun filtered through the red and golden leaves on the giant maples above us. Drops of dew from a rain we must have missed while inside the palace scattered from the leaves and fell to the ground below. My old boots landed in shallow puddles with a light splash, our fine new battle armors having been removed and kept by Yaz and Heyra until the impending battle. 

"So where do you want to sleep tonight?" Schula asked. "Or... today."

Her yawn caused me to yawn. "I don't know. Somewhere with a bed. Are you going to your apartment?"

"Mm. Eventually. I want to go with you to see Spaulder and the others."

I nodded, too tired to add to the thought as we walked half-conscious to the quiet street of Thain's house.

Few were out and about yet, but homes were definitely waking up as fresh puffs of smoke could be seen coming from the chimneys being reignited for a new day. I was almost glad to not see anyone. If the greeting we got at the palace was any indication, I didn't want to deal with the whispers.

Schula perked up, causing me to look around and follow her lead. 

"Finally," she sighed as we stepped onto Thain's street. His house was already visible from where we walked. 

The familiar blue fence with a front garden of roses and vines welcomed us to the large three-story house. It sat between two gnarled oak trees, ensuring a space between Thain and his neighbors and giving him the privacy he typically desired.


I looked up to just see the balcony of the room I once called mine. Puko flapped down from it, landing in my outstretched arms. 

"Puko!" I said. "You've got cherry bits on you. Did Wairen already feed you?"

Instead of an answer, the fat black bird just snuggled into my arms.

"I think that's a yes." Schula giggled. 

We walked up to the blue door of the house, only for it to open before we reached it.

In the doorway stood Wairen. White bark with grey markings, a birch tree dryad. They were more masculine in appearance today as they nodded to us.

"Schula and Wren, you have been expected. Please, come in." Wairen moved aside, holding the door so we could come in.

I grinned and walked over to hug Wairen while juggling Puko in one arm. "Wairen! I've missed you."

"It is good to see you again," Wairen said, smiling slightly. "Master Thain was distraught after your leave of absence, he had taken to doubling his evening brandy before he went to watch the borders."

Schula snorted, covering her mouth with a hand. "Did he now?"

A chuckle inside the house caught my attention, and I looked over to see Spaulder in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. 

"Spaulder!" I said. "I'm sorry for how long that took."

"Welcome back, Wren." Spaulder rose from his chair and came over to hug me. "Schula, you too."

"I'm just glad to be done," Schula sighed. "Until tomorrow anyway."

"Tomorrow?" Spaulder asked.

I sighed, patting Puko's back softly as we stood in the entryway and talked. "Tomorrow we march for battle. Schula and I were outfitted with armor. I'm afraid we're going to be decorative baubles on either side of King Baeleon."

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