Fifty Four: Opening Souls

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Thain had come. My heart felt like it could burst, he had not only come but he brought more people with him. Our chances of success had just reached skyward.

"Thain!" I called his name as I rushed toward him, and he came to meet me. The moment our bodies collided, he wrapped his arms around me and I was lifted off the ground. Tears stung my eyes in the chill of the air, and I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I can't believe you're here!" I sobbed.

He put me down, pulling back enough to wipe a thumb across my cheek where the first tear fell. "You called me here, silly."

I laughed, tears sill stinging my eyes as I rubbed at my face with the back of my sleeve. "I know. Just, I was worried you'd be too late."

"Never," he said softly, pulling me in close again.

I took a deep breath, stepping back from him but still holding his hands in mine. "We have much to discuss. And, you brought so many with you."

I looked over his shoulder to the watchful fae behind him.

"I did," he said. "You said there would be a battle here."

I bit my lower lip, glancing behind me at Schula and Spaulder. None of the others were in sight, but I knew they must be around somewhere.

"Thian," I said softly. "There are people you need to meet, but I'm not sure how well you...anyone...will take their presence here."

Thain nodded. "I think I've put it all together, Wren. This place, who helped you after the Summer lands. I will have the others camp away from here, until the time is right to reveal them."

I sighed, sagging into his touch. "Thank you."

Thain turned around enough to face the others. "Set up camp in the tree line. Stay out of sight, and out of this place. We will watch only the north, there are eyes here for the south. Scout for the enemy and set up a watch. When Nassir returns, send him our way."

Several of them crossed an arm across their chest, the familiar militant motion I would see in Thanantholl. I just hoped they would obey and not pry in this direction.

I held back a smile at Thain's expression. He clearly hated the position of leadership that came with his long history of battlefield prowess. It was no wonder Eberon was his match, someone suited to taking over for him and allowing the dark fae to have his silence.

"Thain," Schula smiled, reaching out to join our embrace as we happily pulled her in. "I'm so glad you're here."

We pulled back, but I kept a hand in Thain's as we spoke. "So you...think you know who is here with us?"

He nodded, his solemn eyes sliding around the clearing, as if he could see through the trees themselves to pick out the elven children.

"I believe so, and you were right not to say it."

I tensed. "I didn't know they'd be here, but do you have a problem with it?"

His jaw ticked, then he sighed. "No. My oath is now to king. I have no orders to harm the elves, and I am glad they were here to help you."

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