Twenty: War Drums

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Baeleon looked crazed as he smiled from his dais at our entry to the room. Uldur joined us, and he signaled the rest of his warriors to stay at the back of the grand hall near the doors we came in. Yaz and Heeyra took our bags from us and stayed as well. So it was just the captain and us now.

My eyes roamed over the tables and creatures that filled the space with a violent energy, eating up what I once remembered to be a space for feasting and dancing. Gone was the lounging furniture, the art, the musicians. In their stead now stood tables filled with the strategy tools of war.

"King Baeleon," Schula breathed, her icy eyes reflecting concern at the scene before her. 

"He's already ready for a full campaign I see," Thain said, crossing his arms over his chest as we came to stand before the king of the Autumn court. 

Eberon stood by Thian, and Nassir by Schula's other side. Uldur stood in front of the dais and addressed Baeleon with a hand on his chest. 

"Speak," Baleon said, pleased as he looked down on Uldur.

Uldur nodded, dropping whatever symbolism the hand on his chest held and standing more at ease. "Schula of the Autumn court and the Wylde witch Wren were both located and have been brought to your care unharmed. The estate of Lady Yevaron south of the Whistwind pass sustained damage under attack of Winter court warriors, Scula and Wren both assisted in the battle."

Beleon stood there for a moment, sliding his eyes form Uldur to Schula, and then from Schula to me. He took a step backwards and sat in his throne. His eyes still settled on me. "What do you mean Wylde witch?"

My face fell, and suddenly I could feel the eyes of the room landing on me.

"My king-" Schula started, taking a bold step forward.

Baeleon held a hand up, his eyes still fixed on me. "I am asking Captain Uldur what he means by Wylde witch."

Uldur nodded. "Wren has proven herself in battle to be both a capable fighter, and... a capable witch."

Baeleon's expression didn't change while he absorbed Uldur's words, and the room collectively held it's breath.

"And the rumors of you having an elven lineage?" Baeleon asked, this time directing his question at me."

"It's true, King Baeleon," I answered. "I did not know that when-"

"I did not ask for excuses!" Baeleon hissed, visibly upsetting the fae in the room. His posture stiffened as he suddenly seemed to take up more space than he had just a moment before.

But then he composed himself, calming down and sitting back on his throne. "Wren, you are now known to hold the blood of elves in your veins. Something you were able to conceal from my court until the incident in Icehold. How?"

I squared my shoulders and addressed the Autumn king, holding my hands together behind my back, if only to not let Baeleon see that they were shaking. 

"I did not know that I was-"

"I did not ask for an excuse!" Baeleon slammed the butt of his trident on the tiled floor, a hairline crack forming where it struck. "I asked you how."

Taking a deep breath, I stared at Baeleon a little more firmly this time. He was starting to act like a petulant child, albeit a dangerous one. 

"A mark was placed on my back as a baby. It suppressed any magic within me, as well as the growth of my fae creature shape. My ears, as you also witnessed yourself when first arrived in Thanantholl, were cut."

I had been keeping my ears revealed since coming to terms with my lineage, but I still kept my thick hair in braids. Today Schula hadn't pinned them up as was part of our recent morning routine, but that was only because of our long march to Thanantholl. I reached up and pulled my braids back, winding two of them around the rest to sort of tie them away and show off my ears.

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