Twelve: Proper Appearances

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There's nothing like a hot bath to wash away the tension in my shoulders. I went quickly, ensuring the water didn't cool too much before Thain got a turn. The tub itself had a drain to rid the bath of the dirty water once I was done with it, and there were large pitchers of fresh water steaming on a table next to the tub. It was a very efficient setup for the guests, but probably a pain for the servants. 

Scrubbed down, I drained the small tub and put my simple tunic and pants back on just long enough for Thain to switch places with me. Once he was in the bathroom and I in the bedroom, I pulled new clothes out of my bag. 

I spread a dress Kalor, my father, gave me out on the bead. Creased and wrinkled, it still fell beautifully in a design that reminded me of Eidelhein. 

Should I wear it? This was the nicest thing I owned, all of my other fae court clothing was back in Thanantholl. On the pristine estate, surely everyone would expect me to be presentable.

Listening for the sounds of water in the other room, I decided I had enough time to change before Thain was finished. I slipped out of my pants and tunic and pulled the dress over my head. 

It was barely down over my backside when a knock sounded at the door.

"W-wait!" I called out, struggling to put my arms through the delicate sleeves without ripping them. But the person at the door didn't wait at all.

The door flew open and I pulled the dress down into somewhat the desired location. A lovely fae with fiery hair and blazing golden eyes entered the room with several servants behind her.

"Wren, dear! This is what I was afraid of." The fae was stunning, her hair done up in a complicated fashion with little white flowers pinned to it. Her dress was very Autumn court fashion and flowed around her legs while constraining her torso in tight, luscious silks. She held a small folding fan and seemed to use it as she spoke and gestured as though it was an extension of her arm. 

"D-do I... I mean..." I sputtered.

"Lady Yevaron." The door to the bathing room swung open as Thain, dripping locks of hair, and only wearing a pair of black trousers, addressed the female who had burst into our room. "It has been a long time."

"Thainalan!" Lady Yevaron fanned herself and took in Thain's appearance. "You're looking as delicious as ever."

I blushed, silently agreeing with her. Thain's eyes moved to me for a moment, a subtle smile spreading across his lips so briefly that I had to wonder if I'd seen it at all. Then he turned and gave his attention to Lady Yevaron and her entourage once more.

"What brings you all the way up here?" Thain asked, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe. 

That seemed to jar her back to the present, as she realized she was in a rush just moments ago. 

Snapping her fan shut, Yevaron pointed it at me. "She has no clothes! I knew that son of mine would have forgotten something as important as this. He's down there gathering those lords and ladies and riling them up for your appearance, but he neglected the most important thing!"

Her blazing eyes were settled on me, full of passion and purpose. 

"U-um, what would that be, Lady Yevaron?" I asked.

"Your appearance!" Her fan flew open as she began fluttering it on herself. "That simply won't do. I don't know where you got an elven dress, but we do not need to draw attention to it."

I frowned. "But I am half elf."

"Right you are, dear," Yevaron said. "Which is why we will display your proud ears beautifully as Merri here puts your hair up. But where you got an elven dress does not need to be a question on anyone's lips today. I do not know where you've been these last months, but today you must be Wren, the poor child who was swept into the Wyldes with no home and who fights for a place to exist."

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