Chapter Twenty: The Consquences

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Chapter Twenty: The Consequences


My eyes don't lift up from the metal bands binding my wrists to the table. "You know why, Kelley-"

"A stylist?" The man's voice raises just as I relax my wrists, sliding them out of the restraints. "You just ruined your post games' interview because he changed your stylist?"

"That's meddling. Snow can't meddle." I look up to him. I place my wrists in my lap. "I wouldn't be so worried. You can spin this easily."

"I - I can spin this easily." He repeats dumbly, seemingly shocked that I can even suggest that to him.

"Yeah. Say I'm insane or something. It's not hard to provide an explanation for my lack of a post Games interview." I answer.

Kelley exhales, a breathy laugh mingling in it. "You're going to get killed."

"No I'm not." I don't hesitate to reply, shooting down his words. Snow won't kill me; I'm much too valuable to have on his side.

We watch each other for at least a minute.

"He's going to want to talk to you."

"No he's not. I know Snow." I shake my head. "He tested the waters to see what I would allow. He's got his answer; there's nothing else that we need to talk about."

He takes a step back, reluctantly pulling his phone out. "We'll see, won't we?"

"We will." I purse my lips. Kelley pauses in his actions of calling Snow at my tone. There's a moment before I speak again. "You should tell him that I'll do the same thing at every district on the victory tour-"

"You really don't get it?" He slams the phone shut and sneers at me, bending down to my face.

I don't react.

"This is the president of Panem we're talking about. You - you're nothing. These fucking demands that you're making? Please!" He scoffs. "In your dreams."

I digest his threat before completely ignoring it. "Just tell him what I said."

He narrows his eyes. "I'll tell him that you're going to comply-"

"And then I'm going to go from District to District inciting riots." In one motion, I lift up my hands and grab his collar and pull him roughly towards me. My voice does not change at all. "Tell Snow the truth."

Kelley's eyes flick down to my freed hands, still holding a clump of his black shirt, before they meet mine. I don't think he noticed me leave the restraints earlier. "I am not going to take orders from a victor." His voice is full of disgust, but it's pretty obviously disguising some fear.

"And I am going to ram your head into this table so that your brains litter this floor if you don't play your fucking part, Kelley." I state plainly.

There's a tense silence before I release his shirt and push him backwards firmly. "Call Snow."

He ignores my words, anger still burning in his eyes. "You're going to regret that, Kai."

"Am I? Tell me - what are you?" His back straightens. I stand as I continue. "You call me a nobody but you, you're really the one who's replaceable. I mean, please, enlighten me - what happened to the last head game maker?"

"You have no idea what happened to the last game maker." His voice has a miniscule tremor, although he shields it promptly with a condescending scoff.

I immediately capitalize on his weakness, crossing my arms. "I have no idea? What a bold assumption. You should know by now that I know a lot - probably more than you. He died in a bathtub, didn't he? Face down, if I recall."

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