Chapter Twenty-nine: The Homecoming

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Chapter Twenty-nine: The Homecoming

A knock breaks through the peaceful silence passing through the house. I frown, my eyes straying up from the computer in front of me, and glance through the kitchen and over to the door. Someone is here? that's - wait. It's Monday.

I stand, closing the laptop, and moving towards the door quickly. I unlock it and open it, not even bothering to look at who would be out there and, sure enough, Finnick is standing there.

He looks up at me and, for a long moment, we just look at each other. Then, a small smile flicks onto his tired looking face. "You came to the door fas-"

He trails off as I move forwards and bury my head into his chest, hugging him. He - he's been gone for five days for me, not including the ones that I was in Five for. Never mind whatever is going on between us and the emotions that I am starting to feel for him; I really missed him.

His arms wrap around my shoulders instantly and he holds me for a long moment - much too long for friends, if I am being honest with myself. His head ducks down and rests right next to mine and I can't help but think that I fit nicely in his embrace.

I am the one who moves away, prompting a quiet response from Finnick. "That was a surprise."

"Sorry, I just - I missed you." I say. I take a small step back into my doorway, putting some distance between us, but I can't tear my eyes off of his. His eyes are full of tenderness that is laden in the tired expression that covers his entire body.

I glance away from him after a long moment, noticing that he is holding a large black bag. "Did you not go to your house yet?"

"No, I came straight here. Couldn't walk past without knocking." He admits, as though embarrassed.

That's - oh. I look away from his eyes, silently grateful for the lack of light on my porch that hides the blush that creeps onto my face.

Some more silence settles between us before he speaks, raising his eyebrows, and I look back over to him. "Are you not going to invite me in?"

"Well, Jewel is here, so I probably shouldn't." I say, smiling slightly at him. "She's sleeping, but if she wakes up and sees you, she'll berate you with a lot of energy that you probably don't want to deal with right now."

Finnick hesitates and then nods. "I, yeah. That makes sense. Could you, could you come with me, then?"


I tilt my head to the side. He speaks, his words rushing together quickly as he explains himself. The sleep in his face translates to his voice, but embarrassment and weakness does also. "I just, I don't really want to be alone right now. Stay for a bit."

"I - sure. I'll go to your house. Hold on." I turn and grab my keys from their place right by my door before shrugging on the sides that I keep right next to the door. I put the keys into my sweatpants pocket as I turn and walk onto the porch, closing the door quietly behind me.

It closes with a silent click, leaving Finnick and I in the darkness of the night.

We stand there for a few seconds before he reaches out and grabs my hand, turning and walking off of my porch and down into my unkempt backyard. I frown, starting to pull away from his hand, but the slight tremor in his voice when he asked me to come over to his house makes me stop.

His hand is much larger than mine and wraps around mine easily, and I can feel the calluses in both of our hands touching. It's comforting in a weird way, as we leave my house's land and turn onto the darkened street to walk over to Finnick's.

The Assassin (Finnick Odair X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora