Chapter Four: The Job

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Chapter Four: The Job

It's time for me to go to work.

I leave the room assigned to me a few hours after the sun sets, the door opening silently. The door opens into a hallway that I quietly pad down.

In my hand, the ceramic knife is clutched, hidden from view but ready to be used.

The living room is deserted. I rush across it and press the elevator button. It takes a moment for the metal doors to slide open and, when they do, I slip in, pressing the bottom floor.


Their security is impressive.

There's teams of four peacekeepers that patrol the building's hallways and, when I finally figured out the timing and was able to leave the elevator hallway, I got lost.

It's a fortress. I can't find a map - or anything - nor can I seem to find an exit.

All of this had led to my current plan.

I wait, crouched in the blind spot of one of the cameras, for a patrol to go by. I'm directly in front of a cleaning supply closet, it's door hanging open slightly.

I only have to wait around a minute for the white uniformed men to walk leisurely past my perch. Once they are almost past me, I lunge forward.

I grab the peacekeeper in the back by the collar and yank him into a closet, quieting closing the door. He struggles in my grip, attempting to call out, but I place the knife at his neck and lean down to whisper softly. "Don't you fucking dare."

The man freezes. I wait for a moment in the ensuing silence, hoping that the patrol didn't notice their missing member.

Then, I consider my options. The man in my grip definitely won't tell me the truth about where to exit. Fuck. I should have thought of that earlier.

I've got one more idea.

I lift the knife and turn it so I'm holding the wooden handle downwards. Then, I ram the blunt object into the man's head three times.

His eyes roll up immediately and his body slackens.

I allow myself a tiny breather before lifting up the man's arm and beginning to undress him. It's tedious work - pulling off armor-like clothing off a man taller than me - but I get it done quickly.

Now, I'm dressed as a peacekeeper.

I grab one of the mops resting in the room and tear off a few of the bristles, using the threads to tie the man tightly to a shelf in the closet. I rip off some more and shove them in his mouth, creating a rough gag. Then, I open the door a crack.

I wait.

And wait.

Finally, another group of peacekeepers appear. I allow them to pass before opening the door and falling into rank behind the last one, straightening my back and walking in their robotic fashion.


I can't believe that worked.

Luckily, the group of peacekeepers were heading straight to the exit. As with all of them, no one spoke or even questioned my appearance.

I easily peel off as soon as they exit the building, sprinting a few blocks away before slowing to a leisurely stroll - still walking as stiff as I can.

The streets are deserted. All of the citizens are still out partying and, from what I know, the tributes' homes are in the middle of the residential district.

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