Chapter Three: The Opening Ceremony

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Chapter Three: The Opening Ceremony

"No way." I shake my head at the three people staring me down.

Terrence - the lead stylist - chuckles. "They all say that. Now, strip."

"A - I do not need to be picked and preened for the opening ceremony." I retort back, starting to continue.

They all snort.

"Please, girl! You've got a pretty face, but I'm sure that there's things that need improving." One of the two others speaks. I don't remember the turquoise-haired man's name.

My eyes narrow slightly. So since I'm from a district, I don't keep myself looking good? Fuck you. I suppose my job doesn't hurt also. When I work in the capitol, I need to fit in. That means that, unlike most of the wild tributes, my body is quite hairless and under control.

"You're only making this worse on yourself." Terrence softens his voice and reaches out, a paper thin gown in his hands. "Just put this on and my assistants can prep you."

I reluctantly grab the gown and stand up off of the medical-looking table that I had been perched on. The three of them step back slightly, giving me minimal privacy, and start conversing in low voices.

I slide off my combat boots and start to unbutton my blouse. Once it's free, I tug it off and drop it on the table. I reach down almost immediately and pull off my skirt.

Sudden silence overtakes the room.

I straighten up and step out of the bundled skirt, now only in a bra and underwear - both black. I frown suddenly, turning back around. "Should I take off everything or is this good?"

All three of the stylists are openly gaping at my body. At my words, only the turquoise-haired one speaks, his widened eyes flicking up to my face. "Are - are those real?"

I look down.

My body is a work of art - not literally. That was a bad way to say that. Here - I'll make it simpler to understand: I've got some tattoos.

I got my first one drunk, waking up with a massive headache and a tiny rose on my stomach, and instantly fell in love with them. But, I've only gotten five others, some trailing around the entirety of my torso and others just a small image.

They form a strange fit across my chest and back but, for me, it works.

It's not illegal to have tattoos. In fact, many people in the capitol get them. It's just, for someone in the districts, strange to have anything stained - the main reason for why all of my tattoos are in rarely seen places on the body. People from District Four aren't supposed to know about tattoos; they're supposed to know about fish.

"Yes." My voice comes out flatly. "Now, am I good or should I continue to disrobe-"

"I should display these with the dress." Terrence mumbles under his breath. He blinks twice. "I should display thes-"

"You do what you want with me, love." I exhale briefly.

My tattoos are never on display. I take great pains to hide them but, if I'm stepping ou - wait. This could get me noticed by Snow. Tattoos are extremely rare; I'll be on his radar.

If Terrence can pull this off well.

He beckons towards me and I walk forward into the center of the room, allowing him to stride up to my body and study the tattoos. There is an extremely long moment before Terrence nods. "I have a plan. Prep her."

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