Chapter Twenty-five: The Breakfast

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Chapter Twenty-five: The Breakfast

"Oh fuck!" I gasp loudly as I open my door.

My eyes meet Finnick's. He is standing right outside of my door, his hand partially raised, and I realize that he must have been ready to knock on my door. Our eyes meet for a few moments before he starts to almost hysterically laugh.

His head tilts backwards and he lifts up one of his laughs to cover his mouth, slightly muffling the bright sound.

I let out a small breath, stepping out of my door and stopping next to him. "Stop it, that's not funny."

"You were so scared!" He says, still chuckling, as we walk forwards. I walk next to him, my only companion being his loud laughter, before eventually snorting slightly myself. It's a bit funny; I'm not normally an easily scared person, so I get it, but that's just - my god, I can't believe I was so scared. I wasn't expecting anyone at my door, though. I'm supposed to get breakfast with him and Mags, but I assumed that he was just going to show up at Mags from his own house.

I glance over to him, a small smile still on my face. "Why are you even here?"

"Not really sure. I figured we could walk over together." He finally quiets, although the wide smile on his face makes me know that he's just replaying my shocked reaction to him in his head. "You're normally so put together, you know."

"People don't normally just appear at my door." I reply, shaking my head slightly.

A brief moment of silence settles between us.

Finnick breaks it, just as we see Mags' house. "How have you been for the past few days?"

"Good." I respond, and it's true. I haven't seen Finnick in two days and, in that time, I've been having a blast. Painting takes my mind off of the current state of my life. I haven't even had nightmares the past few days, although thinking about them makes a small frown etch its way onto my face. I speak again, pushing James out of my mind. "You?"

"Fine. I have to head to the Capitol Friday, though." He says.

I glance over at him, pity blooming in my chest. "Oh."

"Yeah. It's fine; I think it is a moderately short visit. I should only be away for a day or two." His voice stays calm and casual, but the brief glance he flicks over to me betrays him. That and the fact that I know full well what this visit to the Capitol entails. "I've got a couple days to go, though."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." Finnick says, raising his eyebrows at me. We reach Mags' porch and walk up it, still matching each other's steps. "Did you finish your mural?"

I nod. "The one I worked on when you were there is done, yeah. I'm painting the walls of my loft right now, though. Doing some shitty attempt at a sunset."

"I really doubt it's shitty, given what I've seen you paint." Finnick reaches forwards and opens the door to Mags' house. He lets out a small chuckle as he walks into the house, raising his voice. "We're here!"

"Porch!" A yell comes distantly from the back.

I smile and follow Finnick to the back, where he pushes open the screen door and holds it open for me silently.

"You really went all out for our guest." I look at him, watching as a bright smile adorns his face, before looking over to Mags as well and smiling. He's right; she has a whole spread out, lots of fruits and vegetables as well as three plates of scrambled eggs.

Finnick moves forwards and bends down in front of Mags, giving her a kiss on the cheek in greeting.

She accepts it, her eyes flicking over to me. "Well, Kai is a house guest I actually had to invite over. She doesn't just live here. I have to make it special."

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