Chapter 3 Moving Day

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No one's POV

It's currently the morning, and Nhazul was in the closet grabbing his hoodie, about to leave for for a shoot, Kanna opens the bathroom door behind him, hitting him in the back of the head.

Nhazul: Ow...

Kanna: Whoops. Sorry, Nhazul.

Nhazul: No, it's fine, don't worry about it.


At night, while Tohru's preparing dinner, Kobayashi checks the fridge

Kobayashi: Hey, it's beer time-

Nhazul then pressed his face next to hers, moving her slightly.

Nhazul: I swear, you drink way to much...Also, where's my smoothie?

Tohru then checks the freezer above, with her  boobs landing on their heads.

Tohru: Whoops, excuse me a second.

Kanna then squeezed her face in the middle of Nhazul and Kobayashi.

Kanna: Is there any juice?

Tohru: Look, Kanna-

Kobayashi: ...-_-...I'm officially over this...

Nhazul: ...-_-...Agreed...

Kanna: Lady Tohru, move out of the way.


The next day, Kobayashi, Nhazul, Tohru and Kanna visit an estate agent to look for a bigger place.

Agent: You called looking for a three-bedroom apartment?

Kobayashi: Yes, I'd like one as close to this area as possible.

The agent then shows a few places. First, a pink block with an uneven number of floors.

Agent: How's this?

Kobayashi and Nhazul: Hmm...

Second, a blue block with an outward lift shaft.

Agent: How's this?

Kobayashi and Nhazul: Hmm...

Third, a brown block

Agent: How's this?

Kobayashi and Nhazul: Hmm...

Nhazul and Kobayashi both looked at each other thinking the same thing.

Nhazul and Kobayashi's thoughts: They all kind of look the same to us me...

Agent: This one has a bonus feature. The rooftop is actually a common area shared by tenants.

Kobayashi: Really?

The agent shows Kobayashi, Nhazul,Tohru and Kanna the rooftop. Tohru and Kanna gasp, then run ahead with their arms wide.

Tohru: The sky's so vast...!

Kanna: It's real amazing...

Agent: What do you think?

Kobayashi: Well...

The two of them see Tohru swinging Kanna around, while laughing joyfully, and the two of them smile at them.

Nhazul: I guess we'll take it.


After buying the apartment, everyone returned home to start packing and cleaning.

Kobayashi: We've gotta get this place ready for the move. First, we clean.

Nhazul: To avoid any unnecessary problems with this land lord, we should make this place as spotless as we can.

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