Chapter Twenty

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I own only the plot. 


A yell comes from below the deck. "What happened!?"

Percy had been screaming for a while, so we sent down T.J. to wake him up from his probable nightmare. But that yell was from T.J., so I head down to where we put Percy, in his room, to see what happened.

When I walk through the doorway, I see Percy, staring in disbelief at his upper right arm, which has a horrible red burn on it. I realize that the burn is in the shape of a hand.

"It was real," Percy mutters, "all of it was real."

"What was real? What happened?" I say, echoing T.J.'s questions.

Percy looks at me, his eyes unfocused. "Loki," he starts, and that's all I need to hear.

"What did my mother do to you?" I growl.

He's confused at what I just said, but he seems to dismiss it. "It was a dream. And he was there. I attacked him, but nothing happened, and then he burned me. And this is my sword arm."

"You want me to get Magnus down here and heal it?" I ask.

"Yes!" Percy yells. Then he quiets down. "Yes, I would like to be healed, go and get your boyfriend please."

I shoot him a glare, because yes, Magnus is my boyfriend, but no, Percy does not need to point it out. Then I go above deck to go find the son of Frey.

I find him at the bow of the boat, staring into the water. I sit down next to him.

"Is he okay?" he whispers quietly.

"He asked for you," I reply. "His sword arm is injured. A burn." I leave out the part about Loki, not wanting Magnus to worry.

Magnus stands up, brushing dust from off his pants. "Alrighty," he sighs, "lead the way."

I head back down to Percy's room with Magnus in tow. When he sees Percy's burn he breathes in quickly. I expect him to ask how it happened, but he's already in Doctor Mode. "Hmm. Easy fix, but must've been painful in the moment."

Percy snorts. "Hades, yes. It felt like acid. Or dragon's blood," he teases Magnus, glaring at him playfully.

Magnus turns red. "Do you want me to heal you or not?"

Percy straightens up. "Yes, sir, Doctor Magnus, sir!" he says, saluting with his left hand.

Magnus shakes his head and puts his hand on the burn. Percy flinches away, hissing, but lets Magnus try again. Magnus begins to glow, and I turn away so my eyeballs don't go blind. When I turn back, Percy's arm is back to its normal bronze-ish color.

He sighs in relief. "Thank you, Magnus. I don't have any ambrosia or nectar so that would've been a pain to heal on it's own." Then he smirks. "Literally a pain." He jumps off of his bed, marching up to the deck. "Come on, Magnus!" he declares. "I want to spar with you and your magical, talking, glowing sword."

Magnus snorts. "When you say it like that, it definitely sounds like I'm going to win."

"We'll see," Percy hums. "I've been training for six years with a sword, how long have you been training?" It doesn't sound like a mocking question; it's purely curious.

Magnus blushes. "I started about three years ago maybe? I don't really know, you've been training a lot longer than I have."

"Hmm. Maybe I'll help you. Because you should learn how to use a sword that can't fight for you," Percy says with a gentle smirk, nudging Magnus.

We reach the top deck. Percy pulls out his pen and flicks off the cap. The bronze sword bursts into existence. He looks at Magnus. "Get Jack."

Magnus sighs. He grips the pendant around his neck and pulls sharply down. Jack appears. "Helloooo, Magnus! Why haven't you let me out yet? I was bored in there."

"Hello, Jack," Magnus says. "We're sparring with Percy." Percy looks up from where he was slashing through the air with Riptide and smiles. His eyes are bright, and he seems excited to be using his sword again.

Jack floats over to where Percy is practicing. He's silent for a little bit, like he's studying his opponent. "I think we can take him," he buzzes decisively. "We'll knock him on his a-"

Magnus leaps across the deck and hushes the sword, drawing some strange looks. "The author of this fanfiction doesn't feel like writing some warning about curse words, but wants to imply it, so I have to do this," he explains.

Everyone nods. "Okay," I say, and the matter is forgotten. I sit down so I can enjoy the show.

Percy and Magnus face each other. Magnus makes the first move. He jolts towards Percy, Jack obviously dragging him forwards. Percy lips twist into a smirk, and instead of dodging out of the way like I expect him to, he flips his sword so the flat of the blade is in his hand. Gripping it carefully so he doesn't cut himself, he smacks the hilt onto Magnus's hand. It opens, and Jack flies out of Magnus's grip.

Magnus stumbles back, but Jack, presumably not noticing that fact, continues sparring against Percy.

Surprise flickers across Percy's face for half a second, but then his smile comes back even stronger. He tosses the sword into the air. Jack takes the opening and dives towards Percy's chest. Percy reaches his hand above his head and catches the hilt of his sword, smacking Jack off target and away from his chest.

Jack turns in midair and darts back towards Percy, who laughs delightedly as he catches Jack's hilt with the edge of his blade and flings him into the mast. "You are an awesome sparring partner! You never get tired!"

Jack launches himself off the mast, slicing at Percy's right arm. Percy hisses, recoiling. He throws his sword to his left hand, smacking Jack away as he gestures to the water. A stream comes from the ocean and surrounds Percy's arm. He perks up, his eyes growing more focused, and the wound on his arm healing until it isn't there anymore.

Magnus sidles up next to me. "Why didn't he do that when he was burned?" he whispers to me as he sits down on the chair closest to me.

I shrug. "He was pretty freaked out, sort of out of it. Maybe he forgot he could."

Jack twirls into the air, then drops back down, disarming Percy and placing his point at his opponent's back in one complicated move.

Percy smiles. "I yield."

HP/PJO crossover-7


PJ w/ dif. godly parent-6



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