Chapter Twenty-Three

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or MCGA

A book suggestion- read "Fangirl," by Rainbow Rowell. It's really, really good. 


I don't understand what Percy is so worried about. Maybe he doesn't trust Odin because of the trade that he made with Zeus and Poseidon? But Odin's always been- well, not really helpful, but at least beneficent when he does help. I don't think we need to be wary of him.

I reach to give Odin the golden strands of hair.

I stifle a scream as my arm is pulled forcefully backwards. Of shock yes, but also pain. It feels like my arm is being ripped out of my socket, like my very flesh is trying to rip itself off of my body. I distinctly remember this feeling. I've felt it before, not that long ago.

"Percy. What are you doing?" I shout, my voice panicked. I'm yanked away from Odin, back to where Sam is standing. When my body is released from Percy's grip, I whirl around to look at the son of Poseidon. His eyes are clear, not foggy like they were the first time.

"Something's wrong," he states, at the same time that Alex says, "That's not Odin."

Odin, on his throne, sighs. "Oh, Alex. I was hoping that you would help me this time. You so disappoint me, my son."

I stiffen. His son...?

Odin shimmers, his face shifting and his body becoming leaner. Scars appear on his lips and near his eyes.

Jack appears, answering my unconcious call. "Loki," I growl, the noise coming from my throat surprising everyone, even me.

Except Loki. The trickster god only casts a bored look at me. "Magnus Chase," he drawls. "Good to see you again."

"How did you know?" I ask him. "About the sedative?"

"Oh, it wasn't that hard to find out," he yawns. "Your new friend, the son of Poseidon, has not yet completely figured out how to shield his dreams from me. It was child's play to slither in and see what he was worried about."

Percy's eyes widen as he pales. "So it's my fault," he whispers, looking horrified.

Loki's smile is full of satisfaction. "Yes," he breathes as he slips off of Odin's throne. "It's your fault." The quality of his voice has changed. It's more melodic, almost like music.

Percy's eyes become unfocused. But it doesn't look real, almost as if he's faking it.

I flinch as I feel someone cause intentional harm to themself. I look around the room at my friends. It's Percy. His nails are digging into his hand, probably so Loki's voice doesn't affect him. What is he doing?

Loki slinks forward, relishing in the despair that Percy is somehow emanating. The god places a hand on the black-haired boy's shoulder and whispers something in his ear.

Percy's eyes flash with anger, and he grabs hold of Loki's hand. He yanks him across his body at the same time that he pulls out Riptide. Loki, caught by surprise, since he thought that Percy was under his voice trance thing, falls to the floor. Percy stomps his foot onto Loki's ribs. There's a crunch that makes the healer side of me flinch, and the god lets out a breath that sounds like it could be a whimper. Riptide comes up onto Loki's carotid artery, making the threat very clear.

"Never," Percy declares. "I would never, I will never. Not in any world, not even if you pay me all the money in the world."

Loki's scarred mouth twists into a smirk. This is his element, bargaining and tricks. "Not even," he says, choosing his words carefully, "if I could bring you to your lover? What was her name again... Annabeth Chase?"

Percy stiffens. There's a pause where I know Alex, Sam, and I think Percy might actually give in and do whatever it is Loki told him. Might say, "You can do that?" and wait for an answer. Might help him if the answer is yes.

Every hero has a fatal flaw, and for Percy? It might be Annabeth.

Then Percy shakes his head. "I can bring myself to Annabeth. I don't need your help. And she would never forgive me if I joined you." He digs the sword deeper into Loki's neck. A bead of golden blood surrounds the tip of the sword.

Loki's eyes flash with panic, and he suddenly disappears. I was wondering when he'd realize that we're demigods and he's a god.

Percy snarls, sounding almost like a wolf. "Coward!" he hisses. He slashes at the air with his sword. "You can't just say that, offer me whatever the Helheim that was and then disappear! You COWARD!"

I step towards Percy slightly warily. The look in his eyes is frightening, like the ocean just before a wave comes and sweeps you away to die. But I know that no matter how angry he is, the son of Poseidon will never hurt those he cares about.

I slowly place a hand on his shoulder, not wanting to scare him. He whirls on me, his eyes alight with anger. "You're okay," I whisper. "Calm down."

He opens his mouth, ready to yell at me. But then he looks down and takes a long breath in. "Yeah," he mutters. "Yeah, sorry."

He looks away from my worried gaze, up towards the bird roosting in the golden roof. "We need a feather," he murmurs. He looks around the room. When his eyes land on Alex and Sam, who are whispering to each other, probably about their father, they light up.

"Alex, Sam!" he cries, rushing over to them. He speaks to them for a little, pointing up at the nest. Alex snickers, and Sam rolls her eyes. Percy just smirks. He gestures at the bird again.

The children of Loki shrink, growing feathers and a beak all the while. I watch as they fly up to the nest. Alex squawks about and makes a general diversion as a bird, and I stifle a laugh at his antics.

Sam, on the other hand, is silent, flying up behind Muninn and landing on the back of his nest. She reaches out with her beak very slowly, not disturbing anything. She gets a feather in her mouth. Then she snaps her head backwards, a feather coming out with her movement. She dives off the nest, Alex following his sister.

I walk over to Percy, completing the quadruplet that came on this mission as the siblings land in front of him, changing into humans as they do so. Sam spits the feather out of her mouth, an expression like she just ate a lemon on her face. "That was disgusting! I don't even know where those feathers have been!"



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