Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognize.


I don't know what to think about the new einherjar.

He won't come out of his room, which is bad, because that means that he might fade away. He seems to be in shock. I've only gotten a glimpse of him, and he seemed pretty overwhelmed.

He is pretty tall, around 6'1'', with such black hair it's almost indigo. His hair is messy, longish, and curly. His eyes are a shade of sea green, and they swirled with power and wisdom and a sadness that I don't think should be in the eyes of a kid, even though it's in mine. He was lean but muscular, like a swimmer. And I should probably stop now, because Alex will smack me, because she gets jealous sometimes. But yeah. He's hot.

He followed after Hunding, staring at everything suspiciously, as if he suspected something would jump out and attack him. His eyes flicked over everyone on Floor 19, seeming to analyze our threat levels and how to take us down, if necessary.

Then he disappeared into his room and won't come out for any reason. But now it's almost dinner, and Sam is going into his room to get him out. I sneak to the door to get to know the new guy better, and Alex decides to be a fly on the wall. Literally.

The guy is sitting on his bed, staring at the pool of water in the middle of his room, which is absolutely trashed. Stuff is strewn everywhere, as if he's thrown heavy objects around the room and let them crash into whatever. I feel a twinge of sympathy. I did the same thing when I was told I was dead.

As soon as Sam comes in, his head jolts up, but he relaxes when he sees her. "I'm dead," he says, flatly.

I'm surprised. So is Sam. Most of the time people deny that they're dead for a while before getting used to it. "Yes, you are dead."

"I am in the wrong afterlife." I huff. This'll take a while.

Sam smiles sympathetically. "This is the land of the honorable dead. It's called Valhalla, the hall of Odin."

"Odin? Norse myths are real?" He looks shocked, but not as shocked as he should be, considering Sam just confirmed the existence of gods.

Sam notices, too. "You don't seem too surprised, Percy."

The guy- Percy's eyes narrow. "How do you know my name?" he asks, fiddling with a golden pen. A beautifully done subject change. Will it work on a daughter of Loki?

"I heard Annabeth say your name. My name is Samirah, but call me Sam." Yes. Yes, it will work. Also, Annabeth? My cousin Annabeth? It's not a particularly common name.

Percy exhales slowly. "You said Annabeth would be here. Where is she?"

Sam winces. "I said you would see her again. I never said she would be in Valhalla, exactly."

For a moment, nothing happens. Then Percy begins to tremble. He whispers something I can't make out, and evidently, Sam can't either. "Sorry, what was that?"

His voice is barely above a normal level, but somehow it sounds more menacing than Loki's. "I said, get out."

Sam raises an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Out!" His voice is raised, his hands clenched into fists. I'm beginning to feel a bit scared for Sam.

"Percy, I don't think you understand," stammers Sam.

The Alex-fly zooms out of the room, changing back into Alex once she's out of sight. "Gods, this is really not going to end well," she says frantically.

Percy stands up, quivering with rage. "GET OUT!" he yells. No, he screams. The air seems to solidify, blasting Sam out of the room and slamming the door shut behind her. 

She stands up slowly, staring at the door in shock. "How... How in the world did he do that?"

"I don't know."

I don't realize that I spoke out loud until she whirls around and almost stabs me with her sharp, glowing spear. She relaxes when she realizes it was just me. "Were you there the whole time?"


"So you saw all that?"

Alex pops in. "As Magnus so eloquently put it, 'Yep.'"

Sam looks away, but I catch the faint blush on her cheeks. She's embarrassed that, yet again, she's chosen another strange einherjar. But they- we- always turn out all right. Take me, or Alex for example. She even chose X, the half-troll who was actually Odin.

She sighs. "We should head to dinner. Hopefully, the Thanes won't be too mad about the 'disrespect' of the new einherjar. He'll come down when he's hungry."

"How do you know?"

Sam rolls her eyes. "I've lived long enough to know that boys are always ruled by their appetite."

We walk down the hall to the elevator, pressing the button that takes us to the humongous dining hall. We sit down at the table for Floor 19. Halfborn, Mallory, and T.J. are already here. We make small talk for a little while, T.J. asking questions about the new einherjar.

I turn to get some bread, and there, sitting next to me, is the new einherjar, Percy. I may or may not have let out a (very manly) shriek. Percy just looks at me calmly, then returned to his meal.

Alex laughs loudly at me. "What's got you so freaked, Maggie?" She peers around me to see Percy. Her eyebrows raise. "Oh, hey Percy."

He groans. "How come everyone here knows my name?"

T.J., Mallory, and Halfborn twist around to see the new einherjar. Halfborn grunts. "Who are you?"

Percy hums. "So, not everyone. That's good. I'm Percy, Percy Jackson."

T.J. smiles. "The new einherjar?"

"I'm sorry? In-hair-yee? What does that even mean?"

The Civil War soldier raises an eyebrow. "Sam didn't tell you yet?"

Percy shakes his head.

I eat my falafel/ deer meat as T.J. explains what an einherjar is. He seemed to have timed it perfectly, because as soon as he finished the Thanes stood up at their table. "It is time to view the brave exploits of our newest additions to Valhalla. First, Sophie Smith!" announces Helgi.

Turns out, Sophie Smith died while defending a little girl named Kaylie from a group of men who wanted to rape her. She stabbed them all, but died when the last one stabbed her back. A couple more people get presented, and then comes the call Floor 19 has been waiting for.

"Perseus Jackson, rise and impress us with your feats of glory!"

Hi! I have written a story before this, a KOTLC/PJO crossover, but hopefully this is much better. I will try to update on Wednesdays and Fridays, but no promises. 



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