Chapter Ten

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Sorry about missing last weeks update. I was just so stressed out with the election, I didn't really want to update until we had results. Here's a chapter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize.


No! I sign. I'm not going to wear a magenta shirt!

There aren't actually exclamation points, but if I could speak, I would be yelling.

Blitz pouts. "Why, Hearth? You would look so good in it!"


"Fine. But then you have to wear the candy cane scarf."

I roll my eyes. Fine.

Blitz turns his head towards the door, and I notice the bell at the top moving back and forth. The figures coming through the door are silhouettes in the setting sun. But then Blitz and I can see that they are the einherjar of Floor 19 and a new boy I've never met before.

He is tall and lean, with hair the same shade as the wings of Huginn and Muninn. His eyes are the color of the ocean, ever changing. He looks relaxed, but his muscles are tensed, as if he's preparing for an attack.

I look at Magnus. Who's this?

He begins to sign a name that starts with P, but unexpectedly the new boy starts signing. It's clumsy and slow, but he's trying. P-E-R-C-Y J-A-C-K-S-O-N, he spells out.

I blink, slightly shocked. You know how to sign?

Not really. Camp, HOH camper. Learned ASL, communicated with her.

You can speak. I can read lips.

He slumps with relief. "Thank you. I'm dyslexic, so I'm really bad at spelling. Talking is so much easier than ASL."

Are you an einherjar?

"Yes, he is," Magnus replies when Percy looks at him desperately, probably not knowing the sign for einherjar. "He's also a demigod."

Which god?

"Um... that's kind of complicated," Percy says, wincing. "My dad is Poseidon, Greek god of the sea."

Blitz's mouth opens and he stumbles back in shock. I raise an eyebrow. You are a Greek? How are you an einherjar?

"Yeah, I'm Greek." His mouth twists as if he's tasted something disgustingly sour. "My soul was traded away in a game of poker. The Big Three lost against Odin and Thor and Frigg. The soul of their "greatest hero" was given to the Norse afterlife." I can practically see the sarcasm dripping off of him as he spits the words 'greatest hero.'

Magnus looks at Percy with barely veiled panic, looking up at the ceiling. I look up to see a leak dripping through the ceiling. I peer at Percy curiously. He seems to be using his powers, presumably over water, subconsciously.

Alex shoves his way to the front and quickly changes the subject. "Blitz, Hearth. We're going on a quest. Jormungandr is awake, and we need to put him back to sleep. Will you come with us?"

Blitz opens his mouth, and by the way everyone is wincing, I'm guessing he's yelling. "WHAT? Jormungandr is awake?" He slumps when Magnus nods. "How do you always get into these things, kid?"

Magnus shrugs hopelessly. "I have no idea. Let's go."

There's a kerfuffle trying to get everyone out of Blitzen's Best. But eventually, everyone manages to leave. We walk down the streets to get to the harbor, and there's the Big Banana, just sitting there. None of the mortals notice, of course. The Ginnungagap is too good at its job for that.

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