Chapter Fourteen

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. 


I stand solemnly in the back of the head councilors' room. It's been three days since I've felt Percy and Annabeth die. The circumstances of Percy's death were so strange, though. That's what we're here to discuss.

Chiron sighs sorrowfully. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering," he cries, throwing a drachma in the mist that Conner just sprayed into the air. The mist slowly solidifies, showing us the form of Sally Jackson.

"Oh! Hello Chiron, Clarisse. Nice to see you again. How's camp?" Sally is standing next to a crib, covered in sawdust. She probably just finished building it. My heart sinks. Was Percy going to have a little sister?

"Camp is good, Ms. Jackson," says Clarisse. I can tell she's stalling, not wanting to tell everyone's favorite mortal parent that her son is dead.

"That's good. Is there something you need? Did you need me to have room for a half-blood? Our doors are always open, as you know-"

"No, Ms. Jackson, but thank you for offering. We needed to tell you something actually," interrupts Chiron. "Nico, could you explain...?"

I move into the view of the Iris Message. Percy's mom beams at me. "Hi Nico! You must come by soon. Percy agreed that once he came back, he would help me make an entire blue meal. You should help!"

I smile, trying not to let any of my dismay show. It doesn't work, or maybe Sally is just too perceptive, because she narrows her eyes at me.

"Is there something wrong with Percy? I know he's back from Boston with Annabeth by now, did he get hurt at camp?"

"Ms. Jackson... Percy and Annabeth never came back from Boston." I say softly, trying to break the news gently. Percy's mom sucks in a breath. "Sally... Percy and Annabeth..."

"They're dead," Sally whispers. She is standing stock-still, tears beginning to fill her eyes. "They're dead, aren't they."

I nod. "Yes. I'm so sorry."

A beat of silence.

Sally whirls around, grabbing something off the floor. She launches it right next to the Iris Message, and I'm able to see it's a screwdriver. "How?" she cries. "How did they die? They weren't supposed to die! They were so-so strong-" she cuts herself off with a sob, crumpling to the floor.

I feel tears coming to my eyes, and as I look around, I see others fighting against the urge to cry. Even the normally stone-faced Reyna, who was here as an ambassador when I felt the deaths, has turned her head away so we can't see her eyes.

"When- when was it?" Sally asks.

"Three days ago," answers Chiron.

"Three days ago!" The next thing that flies towards the wall is a nail. "And you didn't tell me my son and the girl who might as well be my daughter were dead?"

Chiron looks ashamed. "Ms. Jackson, we were looking into the strange circumstances surrounding Percy's death."

"I DON'T CARE!" Sally screams, throwing a hammer at the wall. It collides with a loud thunk. "You don't just not tell a mother her son is dead!" A few more tears slip from her eyes. "He- he was going to be a big brother."

The door opens behind her. "Sally? Are you alri-" Paul stops speaking abruptly, looking at the mess from the thrown hardware supplies. He looks up, seeing the I.M. "What happened?"

"They said- they said he's dead," she cries.

Paul falls to the ground beside his wife. "No," he murmurs. "Not Percy. Not our Percy." He pulls his pregnant wife into his arms, cradling her and kissing the top of her head, silent tears sliding down his face. I can faintly hear a background track of "No. No. No," coming from both of Percy's parents.

Chiron is about to end the Iris Message when Sally looks up. "Don't you dare!" she hisses. "You cannot tell me that the circumstances of Percy's death were strange and then not tell me why!"

I take a deep breath. "I felt them die," I say bluntly, "but it was strange. Annabeth's death was normal. But when I visited Elysium, I couldn't find Percy. Annabeth was there, but she didn't know why he wasn't there, because she died first. I don't know what happened."

Sally's face becomes steely. "I will ask, and I will get an answer." She stands up, then whirls around, her head tilted towards the ceiling. "Poseidon!" Thunder rumbles. She remains undeterred. "I swear to the gods, if you don't get over here-!"

I shiver. No one wants to face the wrath of an angry Sally Jackson.

Thunder rolls, on and on until Sally finally screams, "I don't care, Zeus! I know you don't give a fu-crap about your children, but my son is dead, so I will talk to his freaking father!"

My eyes are wide, and they meet the equally open eyes of the head councillors. No one, except maybe Percy, has ever heard Sally come this close to cursing. The fact that she's almost there means she's really cut up about this.

And of course she is! This is her son! Her child! It's like when I lost Bianca, but I'm sure it's worse, because she raised Percy. Bianca raised me, but not for my whole life.

There's a swirl of air behind me, and when I turn around, Poseidon is standing there. "Sally," he whispers. "I'm so sorry."

"Our son, Poseidon! Our poor son!" Sally wails. "Do you know what happened? Why isn't he in Elysium with Annabeth? I know he would have gone to Elysium, not to Asphodel or Punishment. He's- was a hero!" She chokes on a sob. "It's not fair."

"He is in Valhalla," says Poseidon. "He is with the children of the Norse godlings. He is trying his hardest to finish a quest he has been given, and then being transferred to Elysium. I believe he will be able to do it. He is my son, after all."

I shake my head, unwilling to believe what I just heard. Norse gods are real. By the gods, will this ever be over?

Then I remember his third statement. Percy will be transferred to Elysium. A rare smile breaks over my face. 

Annabeth will be so happy. 



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