Chapter Four

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So I changed my mind. I'm only going to update once a week, on Wednesdays. I pre-write chapters before I post them, and I don't have enough between this one and the last one I've written. So for now, once a week updates.



Percy's face sets into stone as he hears the Thanes call him to present. He stares around the table, then unexpectedly breaks into a smile. It looks sincere, but his eyes are so cold, if you could only see the top half of his face, you'd think he was glaring. I shiver. That is very intimidating. "Time to watch me die," he whispers sardonically.

He stands up, much more calmly than when I was presented on my first day. Come to think of it, he's taking all of this very calmly. Odd.

The video of his death begins to play. There's a giant snake on a bridge, and Annabeth- That's Annabeth! Annabeth Chase! She's alive! That's my cousin! I barely hold back a gasp.

Anyway, Percy slays the giant snake no problem, which is pretty impressive, except when is he going to die? The video skips forward a little bit, but I can see Annabeth and Percy on a date. I frown. That's my cousin. He better treat her right.

They go back to the bridge, where there are tons of those huge snakes looking for revenge for their brother's death. Percy and Annabeth seem to have a mental conversation, then launch themselves into battle. In a matter of minutes, all of the snakes are dead. And he still isn't dead. How is he so good at fighting?

Percy's face is unreadable, but his fists are clenched so hard his knuckles are white.

Annabeth saves Percy from another snake by throwing her dagger at it. Percy smiles at her, and they kiss. There are coos from some of the einherjar.

Annabeth sighs. "I love you, Perc-"

Percy looks like he's about to scream. I don't know why. This seems nicely romantic for him and my cousin.

Annabeth gets snatched up by the biggest snake I've ever seen. She's bitten in half as fast as I can blink. Percy freezes, seemingly shocked.

I let out a gasp, and tears fill my eyes. Annabeth, my favorite cousin, is dead. I just found out she was alive, and now I'll never get to see her again. I turn to see Percy's reaction. His terrifyingly furious gaze lands on a knife on the table. He smirks. Oh no.

Percy screams in rage, and the camera shakes violently. Water launches out of the river and begins to strangle the snake. The snake manages to slip out. Percy grabs his sword and runs up the snake's neck. He stabs the blade into its head and slides down it like a playground slide. The blood boils like acid. Poison.

I shiver, watching Percy's fury. How is he so good at fighting? And what is this control over water? I watch as Percy's hand curls around the knife. I try to move towards him, but find that I hit an invisible wall. What is going on? Why can't I move forward?

The snake slumps to the ground. Percy walks towards it. His steps are slow, careful, predatory. A cruel, twisted smile makes its way up his face. He jabs it into its gut and twists it. The snake screeches. He leans down to whisper at the snake, a sadistic gleam glowing in his eye. He sighs nostalgically, then slices his sword through the snake's head, decapitating it.

I'm terrified. What is this? Percy's dark side? And how did he handle the snake so well? Where did he train? Who's his parent?

Percy picks the knife up off the table, and twirls it around in his hand.

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