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They propose

GIBBS - You and Gibbs had been dating officially for 4 years and it felt amazing, he had taken a week of work and even got you guys a reservation at a fancy restaurant, along with a fancy hotel room. The only problem was that work called you in as you worked in a hospital and you had to go in, so Gibbs let you. He knew you were important at your work place and he also knew that no matter what you would have done the same for him, that's when he got an amazing idea. He would get the proposal moved to your own home. You got a text message from Gibbs at around 1 am to meet him at your home when you got off work. You didnt really understand why but you sent him a quick yes then headed over there at about 3 am. You had expected him to be asleep and your suspictions were almost confiirmed as the house was in darkness, so you enterd the main living room, starting to hang your bag and coat up, until the lights turned on and you saw flowers and balloons. "This was more Abby than me" you heard Gibbs say as you looked up at him gently. "Since plans fell through I decided to bring the suprise here" he said and you smiled widely. "Wow- this is amazing- why did you do all this?" You asked and walked up to him. "You know, since the first day I met you I felt like we should always be together, and now we are I just hope you love me as much as I love you, and that you say yes" he said and got down on one knee, making you gasp in shock. "Will you marry me?" He asked nervously, and all you did was smile widely and nod.

MCGEE- Getting stabbed, punched and kidnapped is not a fun way to spend the weekend. You had gone on a run and the next thing you know you were kidnapped. Lovely. Luckily he was sloppy so the team found you after 27 hours, faster than some kidnappings, but you were beaten and stabbed, along with being shot, so you were taken in an ambulance. During all this McGee was a panicked mess. He couldn't even eat, but once you were safe and out of surgery he ran into your room and held you close. "I was so scared baby- never do that again" he whispered as he laughed lightly. "That was the scariest 27 hours I have ever experienced and I need you with me the whole day okay? I know it isn't romantic or anything, but will you marry me?" McGee asked gently and kissed your forehead. "Of course I will baby" you whispered back happily. It was an amazing freling

You know, it wasn't every day you were sat in the pavement/sidewalk in the rain cuddling your boyfriend. Let's start from the beginning. You two had been dating for over 4 years and even though you teo had been together for so long, Tony was still a bit scared of grand gestures, because he didn't feel like he deserved you. Only, he had finally worked up the courage (with help from gibbs) to propose to you. He had planned a whole night of romantic things, a nice picnic in the park, a walk past where you had your first date, then make your way to where you had your kids and then he would propose. But it hadn't gone exactly how it was planned. You had been sick so hadn't come to work, and when Tony mentioned going out you had said that you would rather stay in and get better, going out another time, oblivious to what he was planning of course. But he did eventually get you to come out and when you went for the picnic it had started to rain, not great, but Tony desided to pursue on and go for the walk, which you did, but then it started to properly pour it down. Luckily you enjoyed the rain and were happy as could be, but when you look over at Tony he looked upset, and you didn't like that. "Hey, what's wrong?" You asked him gently, stopping and placing your hands gently on his cheeks. "I uh- okay so I wanted to- I um-" he rambled, making he laugh slightly at how cute it was. "Take your time baby" you said, wanting him to feel safe enough to say whatever was one his mind. Tony took a deep breath and nodded, stepping away from you slightly. "Okay, here goes nothing" he whisperd. "I wanted to do this romantically, I had planned to go on a picnic and a nice walk and then stop where we had our first kiss but I don't think it matters where I do it anymore, because I love you and I hope you love me, so" Tony said, taking a pause and getting down on one knee, making you gasp. "Will you marry me?" Tony asked, clearly nervous, as you stood there gobsmacked. "Oh my God! Of course! Yes I will marry you!!" You nearly screamed in excitement as he slipped the ring on your finger and stood up, kissing you gently. "I love you" he whisperd, making you smiled gently. "I love you too" you replied gently. You two stood there for awhile just hugging then eventually got tired so sat down on the pavement/curb together and cuddle. As amazing as the night was, it didn't make your cold any better, but you didn't mind.

JIMMY- It was a beautiful summer's day, and you and Jimmy were hard at work in the field with Ducky, only you had been a lot more quiet than usual and that was worrying Jimmy. He kept asking if you were okay, and Ducky kept trying to get him to shut up. Ducky knew why you were quiet, and so did everyone else, it was because you were going to propose after work and you were so nervous that you didn't  want to say anything because you had no idea if you would mess up the surprise. After lunch you decided to go and talk to Ducky, hoping to calm your nerves, and told Jimmy to go and grab some subs from down the street. So as your amazing boyfriend did that, you were a nervous wreck in autopsy with Ducky. "Come on now, you shall be fine my dear! He will say yes and you two will be fine, I can guarantee that!" Ducky said gently and hugged you, making you feel a lot calmer. "Thanks, I'm just scared he will say no or something" you said and pulled away from the hug. That's when Jimmy came back in, smiling widely as he handed you and Ducky a sub each. "Could you um- could you please leave us alone for a minute Ducky?" You asked the older man as he smiled, leaving with a nod. Jimmy Cleary looked nervous now, and so did you. Taking a deep breath you started to speak before the confidence left. "Okay, so I um- Here I go. Jimmy, we have been together for 2 years now and I love you with all my heart, I have enjoyed every second I have spent with you, i would love nothing more than to spend the  rest of my life with you, and I have an important question and I really hope you say yes. Jimmy Palmer, Will you marry me?" You asked, getting down on one knee and pulling the ring box out of your pocket, opening it for Jimmy to see. For a minute everything was quiet, and you couldn't help but feel scared, did Jimmy not want to marry you? Luckily he slowly smiled and nodded, holding his hand out for the ring. You smiled widley and slipped the ring on his finger then stood up. "I can't believe this is happening" he whsieprd, staring at the ring. "I was so scared you would say no" You said and laughed lightly as you hugged him gently. So the rest of your day was spent with your beutiful fiance.

ABBY-  Abby had been acting strange all day, more than usual, and it had been worrying you. Then you saw her and Gibbs talking in the lab, so you listened without really realising it. "I need you to give me your permission to ask them okay? Your basically thier dad! And kind of mine- which is wierd but any- please Gibbs?" Abby rambled, clearly nervous about whatever was happening. "Abby, you really don't need me to give my permission okay?" He replied and left the room, smiling to you. "Abby wants to talk to you okay?" Gibbs said gently as he passed you, stepping into the elevator as you waved at him gently, nodding as you did. You took a deep breath and stepped in the room, scared about what Abby wanted to tell you. "Oh- Hey, I um- let me put some music on please- then I can- then I can relax abit" Abby rambled quietly as she played some quiet rock music in the background. "Hey, What's got you all worked up? Is something wrong? Did I do something?" You asked, worried you had messed up.  "Of course not! I just need to ask you a question and I'm terrified about it because what if you say no? What if you hate me? What if-" she rambled nervously, making you move closer and kiss her cheek. "Baby, calm down, just ask okay? I would never hate you, promise!" You said happily. She nodded and took a deep breath, getting down on one knee, and pulling the ring out. "We have known each other for 8 years now, dating 4, and even though we have had a few bumps in the road I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope you do with me? So um will you marry me?" She asked, a small smile on her face. "Oh- I um- if course! Oh my God! This is- Oh my God!" You said, smiling widely as your eyes filled with very happy tears, and Abby slipped the ring on your finger. "I can't believe you said yes! I already have ideas for the wedding!" Abby said happily, so for the rest of the evening you spent your time looking at all the ideas Abby had for the wedding.

DUCKY- Like a proper gentlemen, Ducky wanted to do it properly. He had been trying to figure out the perfect way to propose for a few weeks and now he had finally gotten the perfect idea! You always loved to go on picnics with Ducky, that's what you had done on your first date, so Ducky had decided a picnic would be the perfect time to propose. After a few days of planning and making some delicious food, he finally took you on a picnic, and you loved it! You guys had cake, sandwiches, homemade pie, it was truly amazing! And when it came time time to leave Ducky stopped you for a second. "My dear, I would like to ask a very important question" he said gently, making you smile and nod gently. "Of course Ducky, what is it?" You asked as you watched his get down on one knee, making you gasp. "We have been together for 3 years now, and I have never felt more happy, more loved, more cared for, and more alive. And I truly hope that you feel the same as I. And now for my important question, would you marry me?" Ducky asked, smiling gently. You nodded fast, Ducky gently placing the ring in your finger. You two shared a gently kiss then headed home, watching a movie and cuddling together.

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