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((Btw- McGee and Jimmy have been dating for like 5 months after jimmy tries to commit suicide- I will tell you when there together XD))

Jimmy was ready to just end it. He had a gun to his head and was ready. He was depressed and in love with McGee, someone who was way out of his league and would never like him back. And he was always pushed away from 'Gibbs Team'. He was the unwanted one. At least that is how he felt. And, luckily, Gibbs had decided to go and check on the young ME as he had been more quiet and sadder than usual. So, he knocked on the door and waited.

When Jimmy heard the knock on the door he sighed. "G-Go away!" He yelled. He would have said something more polite but what did it matter? So, instead of waiting for Jimmy, Gibbs picked the lock and gasped at what he saw. The young ME was stood, in the middle of his apartment, gun to his head and his eyes closed shut. "Jimmy, put the gun down okay?" Gibbs said gently. Jimmy heard Gibbs and opens his eyes, tears spilling out of them. "N-no, no one would care if I died okay. Nobody would care, Du-Ducky would find a better assistant. Tony and Bishop and McGee wouldn't care, and neither would you, and Abby would get over it in a week." Jimmy said, tears rushing down his face as he fiddled with the trigger. "No, no, no, and no, that's the opposite of what would happen okay? We would all miss you; McGee would miss you so much Jimmy. He likes you more than a friend and I can see that. Everyone can. And it is clear you love him. He told me that he did not want to peruse a relationship because he was scared. Scared he would hurt you, scared that I would fire him, but I told him, that as long as he was happy and you were happy it didn't matter, and he nodded and left okay? He has been trying to ask you out all week but he doesn't have to courage because he scared of rejection, and he would be destroyed if you went through with this Jimmy, Abby would too, and Tony and Bishop and me and Ducky. Ducky thinks of you like his own son okay? You can't just be replaced Jimmy, so please, put the gun down" Gibbs rambled on just enough to get closer to the other and grab the gun.

Once Gibbs took the gun, he chucked it away and hugged Jimmy tightly. And he cried and told him he felt like a nuisance and that we were alone. And Gibbs told him he was not. Said that he was family and family stick together. And Jimmy made Gibbs promise he would not tell anyone. And he did not.

So, after that night, Jimmy decided to go and tell McGee how he felt. Skip 5 months and they had been dating for the last 5 months. Jimmy and McGee dating for 5 months after Gibbs saved him, and Jimmy was the happiest he could ever be. He had the support of his amazing boyfriend and it felt nice to be able to talk to someone.

Now, that is how we got to tonight.

They had been called to, what looked like a hit and run, of a navy officer. So, they went to the scene and it was all normal. Until someone said that there was a guy on the roof. Before Jimmy could think he was standing next to the guy on the ledge of a huge building. "PALMER GET DOWN!" Gibbs yelled as he started to climb out the window. "N-no! You come here and I jump with him!" The guy yelled to Gibbs. So, Gibbs climbed back in and saw a worried McGee. "Jimmy is scared of heights, someone needs to go there instead of him" McGee said worried for his boyfriend. "McGee, calm down, Palmer will be fine okay? I'm going to help with the case, don't let him jump" Gibbs said as he left and McGee nodded, taking a deep breath. "Okay, Okay, how about you tell me your name?" Jimmy said looking at him. "Ryan" The guy, known as Ryan, said. "Okay, that's good Ryan" Jimmy said and looked back at the window. "H-How about we go to the window?" He suggested nervously. "No! I want to die!" Ryan yelled and tried to jump but Jimmy held onto his belt and pulled him back. "I-I'm Jimmy, and this wasn't the day to have a fear of heights" he said and looked at the guy. Ryan looked down and back up. "Why-why are you trying to save me?" Ryan asked. "Because, you don't want to die"

(Timeslip brought by the gayness of Jimmy Palmer)

So, Jimmy had talked to Ryan for an hour before he finally suggested that they sit down. Jimmy was incredibly happy for that and sat down next to Ryan, taking a shaky breath. McGee popped his head out the window and looked at Jimmy. "Hey, you okay? We got you some burgers" McGee said and tried to hand them to Jimmy. McGee had put a speaker in the burger box and went to climb out the window. Ryan yelled again for him to get away, so he did. Okay, how to get the burgers to Jimmy? A broom. Perfect. So, McGee slid the burger box over to Jimmy, the mix on the underside of the box, earpiece in his ear. And he could hear all that was happening. Jimmy was talking to Ryan about his dad and mum. "My mum, she passed away, Cancer, and all my dad did was either tell or baby me" Ryan said as he finished his burger. "Oh, I'm sorry" Jimmy said and started to ramble on about how he should not have mentioned anything and such. McGee was sat leaning against the wall listening to Jimmy and Ryan talk.

(Another time skip brought by Jesus uwu)

It had been another hour and they were still talking, only this time Ryan was upset because he did not believe Jimmy when he said he should live. And that's when Ryan yelled "Do you even know what it feels like to want to die!?". Hearing that Jimmy broke. "Yes! I do! I had tried to blow my brains out 5 months and 1 day ago! I was stood in my apartment just ready to die when Special Agent Gibbs came in and saved my life! He saved me and if he hadn't then I wouldn't have my amazing boyfriend, if he hadn't saved me then I would be six feet under, and if he didn't save me then I would've caused so much sadness. And thanks to him I had the courage to go and ask McGee out. I had the courage to stand up for myself. I had the courage to live in the moment and look for the good instead of the evil and you should do the same. You need to focus on the positives because if you don't you have no clue on all the amazing stuff you will miss, so please, please, can we go inside?" Jimmy asked looking at Ryan.

What Jimmy did not know was that McGee had heard all of it and was now crying softly. McGee could not think of why he had tried to kill himself. And if he had they would not be dating. If it were not for Gibbs Jimmy, the person McGee loved so much, would be buried six feet under.

Before McGee to even sit up Jimmy and Ryan climbed through the window and McGee quickly jumped up and hugged Jimmy tightly. "Y-you tried to kill yourself?" McGee whispers, still clinging onto Jimmy. He took a shaky breath and looked at McGee. "You heard that?" He asked as the other nodded. "Y-Yeah, I did, but Gibbs saved me, and he gave me enough courage to ask you out and I'm so thankful for that" he said and kissed McGee gently. When they pulled back McGee heard Gibbs clear his throat as he turned around. "Thank you so much boss, for saving Jimmy" he said quietly and dragged Jimmy out of the building, hand in hand.

Let us just say McGee did not let Jimmy leave his sight for a week.

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