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They have a panic attack

Dinozzo has a lot of dialect- And I could not think of one for Abby sorry-]]

Gibbs: You had seen him cry once, but never panic or seem so emotional like this. He seemed so scared, he looked so worried and seemed so panicked and you did not know what to do. You had been shopping and came back, only to find Gibbs on the couch crying, hyperventilating, and panicking. Gibbs had looked up at you then stared back at the table, by this time you had already placed the groceries down on the floor and ran over to him. "Hey, hey, baby, what's wrong?" You asked gently as you rubbed his back and kissed the temple of his forehead. "I-I-I don't kn-know" he mutters and just hugged you. You just rubbed his back, smiled gently, and kissed his forehead. "It's okay, I'm here okay? I'm not going anywhere, just feel breaths for me okay?" You said, respecting what your boyfriend had said to you when you had panic attacks. Gibbs just followed your instructions and soon he calmed down but did not dare to speak. You did not mind, you just wanted him to be okay, and now he seemed calmer so you two both lay on the couch cuddling. After an hour you looked up at him and spoke only three words that would make him smile and kiss you. "I love you" and he would respond with a small kiss on your cheek and "I love you too".

McGee - McGee hadn't talked to you all day and you thought that maybe he was sick or sleeping at home as he hadn't showed up at work or texted or called, so you kind of just tried to stay calm. Gibbs, Abby, Dinozzo, Bishop, Jimmy and Ducky had to stop you from worrying so you want to his at lunch, deciding it was good to make sure he was okay and if he was sick had medicine! As you gently walked over to the door and before you knocked on the door you could hear crying. "McGee?" You asked quietly as you walked through the door and didn't see your boyfriend, but you still heard crying so looked around until you found the bathroom door locked and the crying coming from inside. "Hey, McGee? Baby you in there? It's me" you spoke gently as you heard the tears slowly stop and a slight scraping against the floor before the door unlock and you were met with the sight that broke your heart. McGee was stood in an oversized hoodie and some old pyjama shorts; his eyes were puffy and red with his cheeks tear stained. "Baby, what's wrong?" You asked gently and softly wiped the tears from his cheek, only to see McGee pull away. Your frowned and looked into his eyes. "Baby, please, I just want to help, I've been worried about you for ages, and I want to help you, okay?" You said quietly as he moved closer and hugged you tightly. "I-I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" he kept repeating and rambling. After five minutes he had stopped and was slightly calmer so you used this time to quietly led him to the bed and lay him down, you curling up on his chest and gently drawing circles on his chest. McGee ran his hand threw you hair as you just lay there, waiting for him to speak up. "I'm sorry I panicked, I-I woke up and I don't know, I felt so shit and just felt like I couldn't breathe" he whispers against the warmth of your neck and kissed you there gently. "I know how that sounds, I'm a grown was man and I was panicking for no reason" he whispers as he felt you shake your head against his chest. "No baby, everyone panics, everyone gets panicky for no reason, everyone gets scared and sad, and you aren't any less of a man for having emotions okay? So, next time you feel like that, just tell me, and I will be there, I promise" you said gently as he smiled lightly. "I'm so lucky" he whispers, and you guys stayed cuddling and talking about video games till you two fell asleep.

Dinozzo - You walked in and sat on the couch, Dinozzo said he was going to pick up pizza for you guys, so you were not shocked when he was not home. You occupied yourself by watching a film and only after it finished had you noticed that he still was not home. You sent him 3 messages but still no answer, so you called him, and he picked up. "Hey! You okay? You're not home ye-"That's when you heard raspy breathing and what sounded like sobs. This worried you as Dinozzo rarely cried. ever. "Hey, Hey, Baby, you okay?" You also as you quickly sat up. "I don- Gibbs was yell- I-" "Hey, it's okay, it's all okay baby, deep breathes for me okay? In and out, just like I am doing okay? In and Out." So, he followed your breathing pattern and seemed to calm down. "Okay, what happened baby?" You said gently into the phone. "I forgot a file and Gibbs went mental at me and I don't know I panicked- I'm sorry-" "Hey no need to be sorry" And so you two ended up cuddling in bed, watching star trek, eating pizza until you fell asleep.

Jimmy - He was known to panic and worry about stuff he did not need to, but your kinds thought it was cute, not when he panicked, but when he would get nervous about little things. He once worried about you cooking a pot noodle, worried you would burn yourself. But, now, he was curled up in autopsy panicking about Ducky, who was in hospital after a heart attack. He would've been there but he couldn't be, Gibbs had said he wasn't aloud too because that had to do the case, Ducky would be fine he said, but jimmy couldn't help but panic about ducky, the person who was like the father figure he never really had. You had been looking for jimmy for an hour, now going to check autopsy because that made sense. That h9ow you ended up on the floor, kneeling in front of Jimmy and telling him to just breath. And he was trying, he really was, but he just could not seem to calm down. "Hey, In and out okay Baby?" you said gently and kissed his forehead. He nodded and started to slowly calm down. Once he had calmed down enough you pulled him into a tight hug. "It's all okay baby, Ducky will be fine I promise, it's all okay baby" You kept repeating to him as you two just sat and cuddled each other on the cold autopsy floor.

Abby - She was not one for crying or panicking, she would either show her emotions or supress them, but she never really had panic attacks, it was you who had panic attacks.

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