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Gibbs - You had a cold. Just a regular old cold but when your dad heard you sniffling and coughing, he acted like you were literally dying. You had to keep reassuring him you were fine because he looked like he was about to call an ambulance. Gibbs always got worried, which you understood, but like you kept saying, it was just a cold. But he did not listen so he called in to say he would not be going to work and stayed at home with you all day. You curled up in the couch, smothered in blankets, and watched old western films with your dad all day before you fell asleep and he carried you up to your bed. The next day you were still ill, but he had to go to work, so you went with him because he did not want you to be alone. He lets you stay at his desk and just chill out, sniffling and coughing all day as he is constantly shoving your favourite snack sand drinks into your hands. Halfway through the day he noticed you were kind of upset, figuring it was because you were ill and lonely, he got McGee to go and buy you something to keep you entertained. So, an hour later, McGee came back with a DS and some games. Gibbs gave it to you and then left to talk to the director, you smiled at McGee and thanked him before beginning to play Animal Crossing New Leaf on you brand new bright red DS. You knew your dad had no clue what a DS was, but McGee did, so you knew it was him. But you wanted your dad to feel like he was helping so you did not say anything. When you got home, he took you up to your room and waited till you fell asleep and once you woke up the next morning you felt as good as new.

McGee - You had woken up to coughing and sneezing at the lovely time if 4 am. So, you went to your dad's room and woke him up. You could tell your dad was worried but once you told him you had a cold, he calmed down a little. So, he let you sleep in his bed with him and once you awoke the next morning he was gone. You got up, still sniffling, and went to the lounge to see a make-shift bed on the couch with Gatorade, medicine, crackers and all your teddies. McGee was sat on the end of the couch smiling. You smiled back and went and lay on the couch, your dad made you sleep a little more before he let you eat some crackers then you two played Minecraft, all the while you stayed sneezing and coughing, by the time dinner came you felt better and he made you your favourite pasta dish then you two fell asleep lying next to each other on the couch watching cartoons.

Dinozzo - To say your dad was clueless was an understatement. You had gotten a cold from one of your friends and now your dad was so helpless. He had to go to worm, but he didn't want to drag you with him, but he didn't have another choice, so he let you follow him to work. He did not let you leave his side for an hour until he sent you down to sit with Ducky and Jimmy, but you were not complaining. You got to lay on one of the metal beds and listen to the others as they talked about guts and blood. It was awesome. Then you fell asleep and when you woke up you were back home in your bed.

Palmer - Your father, a medical examiner, a man who is also a certified doctor, was panicking because you had a cold. A cold. He was a doctor! But you knew there was no calming him down, so you did not try too. Instead you let him baby you, and when he finally sat down on the couch with you, you cuddled up to him and ended up falling asleep as he gently rubbed your back. Jimmy had spent the whole day running around after you so not long after he had fallen asleep too.

Abby - Unlike everyone else, Abby did not panic, she was worried obviously, but she reacted normally and gave you medicine and let you relax, even if you were still in the lab. She still checked on you every hour but only because sometimes the medicine would make you feel sick. So, you spent the day in your pyjamas sat in her lab hugging Burt to your chest, and when you went home she cooked you favourite meal and let you cuddled up to her and fall asleep.

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