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'I mean, we don't have to'

Elara turned around slowly to see a familiar orange circle open up behind them. Mr. Strange's portal. Three people walked out, one male in the middle with two woman at his sides.

The man in the middle was wearing a black cat suit and his helmet disappeared, the older woman had a spear while the younger one had two blasters on her hands. She didn't know who they were but Steve seemed to.

The man nodded to them as someone flew out behind and over them. Tons of orange portals opened up around them from different places. Elara smiled widely at the sight.

It worked.

She watched as one of the portals off to the side opened up from planet Titan. There stood Doctor Strange, Mantis, Quill, and Drax. She didn't see Peter so she turned away to look at the others.

From the original portal, the people chanted in a different language and Elara could see an army form behind them. Tons of army's formed and came through all the portals. Thanos had his army and now they had theirs.

Thousands of people came through the portals, some with powers and super abilities while others had weapons. Everyone was there. Elara could have sworn she saw a horse with wings somewhere.

Something landed off to the side of her that caught her attention. Like her dads Iron Man suit but blue and gold. The front of the helmet lifted off to reveal her mother, Pepper.

She got so excited that Elara started to teleport around, leaving clouds of gold dust behind as she made sure everyone was doing well with the travel and all before standing back at Steve's side.

"Is that everyone?" Elara managed to hear Mr. Strange said to a bald man next to him.

"What? You wanted more?"

Everyone's attention was drawn to the loud sound of crashing and breaking of the broken compound. Scott in his Ant-Man broke through the wreckage as a giant and in his head was Bruce. He did it!

Everyone shouted in unison as they all formed together. Steve and Elara turned their backs to them and looked towards the enemy. Thanos looked at them with an unknown look as everyone got into battle position. Elara pulled out her katanas and rolled her wrists once.


And then it begun.

They all yelled as they charged. Elara flapped her wings powerfully as she lifted into the air and flew towards the enemy. She watched as Thanos simply pointed his sword towards them and then began to charge at them as well.

It was chaos when the two clashed.

The ones in the air were taking out the large Chituari ships that looked like big flying whales. Elara teleported around, slashing Thanos's soldiers across the chest. One grabbed one of her wings so she promptly sliced off it hand before stabbing it.

She quickly teleported out of the way as Scott punched one of the flying whales. The white haired girl's eyes went slightly wide when she saw who was standing in front of her. It was her. Well, her from 2014 but still her.

"Oh, hi." She said to herself.

"Hi. So...do we have to fight now?" Her younger self asked.

"I mean, we don't have too." Elara said with a slight shrug.

"Ok!" 2014 Elara said before teleporting off who knows where.


Tony was knocked down by a large monster as he shot some of the smaller ones. His back hit some of the wreckage and the big beast went to hit at him again but something pulled him back and was then stepped on by Scott.

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