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"We're blooping! Bloop, bloop, bloop-"

His whole world stopped spinning.

Peter's mouth fell open slightly as he looked at her with disbelief and sadness in her eyes. He stumbled over himself as he tried to find the words. "What- Elara? It's me, Peter. What do you mean-"

"Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else? There are lots of people with white hair these days." She said, giving him a small comforting smile but that only seemed to make him feel worse. It hurt him, watching her get distracted, looking away from him with no recognition in her clear cyan eyes.

"You really don't know who I am?" He asked quietly, drawing her attention back to him.

"No..Should I?" Elara's head tilted to the side as she searched her mind for any recollection of the boy in front of her but, nothing.

"Yes..yes, you should. My name is Peter Parker and the two of us have been friends for technically 6-7 years if the Blip hadn't happened and we have been dating for two weeks." He explained, the angel looking at him with surprised eyes, slowing starting to shake her head at the end.

"No, no. I didn't have a mate. I would remember if you were my mate." She didn't know him. The white haired girl could feel all the sadness radiating off of him, making her believe the words coming from him, even if she didn't want to accept the thought that she forgot her own mate.

"Yes, you do. I messed something up and now you don't remember me and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry." He started to tear up slightly, sniffling and without thinking, out of the infinite goodness in her heart, she stepped forward and hugged him. To her, he was a complete stranger telling her that he was her mate, yet she still hugged him when he cried.

His arms wrapped around her tightly, like it was the last time. Peter's face shoved itself into her neck, at fully crying because he didn't want to cry in front of her or in the middle of the sidewalk.

They stood there for a few seconds before she felt the sniffling stop and pulled back a little. Elara then asked, "So tell me something."


"Tell me something that, if you are really my mate, only you would know."

Hundreds of things came to mind, but when he looked down slightly at her collarbone and saw the rose quartz stone in the shape of a wing, the side of it broken off making it sharp, he remembered their first kiss. She was still wearing it.

"The necklace you are wearing, I got it for you when we went to Europe on a school trip. The reason that the end of it is broken is because Happy Hogan put it in his pocket and it broke. When you first showed it to me, you told me that you liked it better this way because it could be used as a tiny dagger." Peter said, but wasn't finished, "I know that you aren't human, that you are actually around 4,000 years old in Earth terms, and that you have-"

She grabbed him and teleported the both of them into an alleyway, his back against the wall while she stood in front of him.

"My Irene, could you be any louder?" She asked, not raising her voice but the force was there.

"Sorry, I-I got a little carried away. So...do you believe me?"

Elara looked at him a second more before nodding, "Well if you know me as well as you say, you know that I am a very trusting person. Despite everything." She paused for a moment before her cheery disposition, "So, how do we fix this?"

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