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'Suffer as I once did'

As the flying whale crashed into the ground, it turned to dust. Just like half the universe five years ago. The rumbling quieted as Thanos's army started to crumble. Including her past self.

It worked.

Elara looked to her left to see Gamora standing next to her. Past Gamora of course. The green woman smiled at her before mouthing goodbye to her as she started to turn to dust herself. The angel knew this was going to the happened but it didn't stop the signal tear that rolled down her cheeks.

Thanos looked around him in horror as his army crumbled around him. He turned in a circle slowly as everything he built was gone in a second. Till it was only him left. He was drafted at last. His ships fell to the ground, just as they were going to hit the ground, they turned to dust like everything else.

Thanos limped over to where he first sat when this whole thing started, at the beginning and waited for his time to come. With a final sigh, he looked in front of him to see his youngest daughter, Elara, standing with her hand behind her back. Her cerulean eyes looked at him with an expression that could kill and her lips not turned up in their usual smile.

She started to walk forward slowly as she spoke, "Its terrible isn't it? It's terrible to see everything you've built, everything you've strived to make, your enemies win against everything you had and watch it crumble around you. Suffer," Once she got close enough to him, she pulled out one of her swords and stabbed him, the blade going straight through his armor, "as I once did."

With that, she watched as he turned to dust, pulling her sword out just as he disappeared. This time, she didn't cry. She didn't shed a tear for him like before.

It was over.

Elara seemed to snap out of whatever murderess feel she was having towards her father and turned her head when she felt something bad. Emptiness and pain. She looked behind me her and her face fell.

Part of her knew this would happen but she hoped it won't by the end.

She was wrong.

She watched as Tony painfully walked over to some kind of shelter out of the debris and sat down, leaned up against a wall. He stumbled till he finally sat on the ground. Rhodey was the first to him.

He leaned down next to him and put his gloved hand on the side of his face, cupping it. No words were said between the two of them, they knew each other long enough to just know what the other wanted to say.

Elara teleported over to them just as Peter landed next to her. The boy panted as he said, "Mr. Stark? Hey!" His breathing became shaky as ran over to him, Rhodey pulling away from Tony as the kid kneeled in front of him, "Mr. Stark. Can you hear me? It's Peter," Tony slowly tilted his head to look at Peter as the boy talked, "Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won! You did it, sir, you did it. I'm sorry. Tony." Peter started to cry, along with Elara, who was watching.

She came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, him moving out of the way as he cried for her turn. Elara did the same, kneeling in front of her dad so that they were at eye level.

Her helmet disappeared as she gave him a sad smile, "Hey, you did great," She was already starting to tear up as they rolled down her cheeks but she continued, "You knew this would happen, didn't you? Cheeky man," Elara let out a sad chuckle before smiling at him once more and leaning forward to place a kiss on his forehead, whispering to him, "Thank you for being the father I always wanted. I will love you forever and until always,"

She nudged her nose to him, a sign of goodbye to Elixi's, before pulling away and saying, "Sweet dreams."

When Elara felt her mother's presents behind her, she teleported to Peter and pulled him into a tight hug. Letting him cry into her as she did the same to him. She could only listen to Pepper saying goodbye, it was probably for the best as she didn't want to start crying again.


"Hey, Pep." Tony said softly so that nobody could hear except Elara and Pepper.

"Friday?" The strawberry blonde asked the AI as she put a hand to Tony's red armor.

"Life functions critical." Even Friday sounded sad for the death of her creator.

"Tony? Look at me. We're gonna be okay. You can rest now."

Everything went quiet and his almost silent wheezing stopped. Pepper started crying as she didn't move from her spot in front of him. Elara's eyes widened as she buried herself further into Peters chest. That wasn't how she knew he was gone.

She couldn't feel him anymore.

A/N: sorry for making y'all cry like this. I can't tell you how many times I started crying when I was writing this or just thinking about it-

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