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"How do you know me? I mean her? Us? Irene, this is confusing..."

Elara, MJ and Ned all sat around a computer, the boy looking up anything he could find about extraterrestrials being that may or may not look like a green elf man riding around on a pokey hoverboard.

Peter was off somewhere else, trying to scrub the neon green paint off so he could use it and not attract more attention then usual. He used his shoulder to keep his phone against his ear as he talked to Aunt May,

"If the paint won't come off, I'll get it out."

"No, no, no, May. We gotta find these guys first."

"Well, finish your mission and then come by. We're having a canned food drive."

"Uh, yeah, that could work."

"We found one!" Elara yelled from the other side of the room, calling his attention as she leaned over Ned's shoulder.

"Oh, May, I gotta go."

"Okay, okay, bye!"

"I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair but you can't take the chair out of the guy." He said, the angel pulling her eyebrows together and turning to MJ, whispering, "Did that make sense to you or is it just me?"

"No, you're not alone." She responded.

"What'd you guys find?"

"There's a- a disturbance near the military research facility outside of the city and witnesses say that they saw a monster flying through the air." Ned read off from the computer.

"It's gotta be the guy I saw on the bridge, right?"

"That's impossible." Otto said from inside his cell, not looking at the group of teens (and the thousand year old alien that happened to look like a Earth teen).

"You know him, don't you?" Peter asked, "On the bridge, you said his name."

"Norman Osborn. Brilliant scientist, military research. But he was greedy, misguided."

"What happened to him?"

"We fire of your questions, boy!" He yelled suddenly, Elara jumping and teleporting inside his cell, placing a hand on his arm out of instinct and shushing him to calm him down.

"Okay, um...I gotta go," He walked back over to the table, leaving the white haired girl to calm him down, "Where am I going?"

"It can't be him." Otto continued, nodding his silent thanks to Elara, who beamed.

"Why?" This time MJ asked.

"Because Norman Osborn died years ago. So either we saw someone else or you're flying out into the darkness to fight a ghost."


As the sun set as Peter swinged from telephone pole to telephone pole outside of Queens, the other three still at the basement while Ned was looking around for something to eat. MJ and Elara on the other hand were sitting around the computer on a Skype call with him.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now