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"You are not a nobody."

"Wait, how do you know me?"

Was the first thing out of Elara's mouth after what MJ said. Otto the octopus knew her about a variant in his universe is his daughter but this guy also knew her but not Otto. So he was from a completely separate universe altogether.

"You worked at Oscorp Industries with me. You worked in the labs while I was just an electrical engineer." He explained, still looking bewildered about what he was seeing. It was Elara. Just not his Elara, same white hair, same wings, same teleporting, mostly likely same healing ability.

She let out an long, exaggerated gasp before teleporting right in front of his invisible wall cage, sitting on the ground the same as she had done with Otto and said, "Tell me everything."

"From the beginning?"

"From the beginning."

"Alright, uh...well, everything I know is from what you...her told me. She moved to New York with her two moms-" He started but was cut off by a stunned angel.

"Wait, moms? Plural?" Her eyes were wide with disbelief at the idea of having two moms. She didn't even have one biological mom. But in a different universe, she was lucky enough to have two.

"Yeah, Rosalind and Helana Stark, goes by Hela for short."

"Holy crap..." Ned said behind her, who along with MJ had been ease-dropping on her conversations as their was nothing else to do with Peter not here. Both Ned and MJ knew Elara's story, everything that she was willing to tell them at the moment about her childhood. Along with her mother's name, Rosalind. The deceased Queen of Elixira.

"Anyway," He gave them a pointed look for interrupting but MJ shot it right back as he was the one in the cell and not them, "You went to school, and then in your sophomore year of high school, you started interning at Oscorp Industries, where we met," The man sat down on the ground with her as this conversation started to get more emotional, "You became my best friend. Which most people thought was odd as you were a highschool student and I was a grown adult that was balding but it was more like sister-brother friends. Two people that are so close that it's almost like they grew up in the same house as each other."

"Then what happened?" It was like she was hearing a voice over as years of the evolution of this friendship grew on television.

"Then I found out about her powers, then met Spider-Man, then fell into a vat of electrical eels, and then fought him and then... I don't know." He looked up from the floor, "I do know one thing. That Elara Stark was the only person that never thought I was a nobody. She told me that whenever I felt sad or just the world was hating on me. She's...she was the only person that I ever needed to know me."

Elara had felt herself tearing up from the story and from also the aura she was feeling on him, constantly saddened with a layer of confidence to cover it from the world. She was so emotional that she hadn't even noticed when he said 'was'. She stood up, him standing up with her so they were at eye level, as much eye level as them could have as she was still 5'3" and he was 5'9".

The angel teleported into his cage, and hugged him tightly, ignoring when her arm touched him at first he shocked her slightly. He was clearly stunned by the action, not sure if he should hug her back or not until he heard her say five simple words,

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