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'Well, I'll give it to you when you come to recuse me!'

1 1/2 weeks after Thanos takes Elara

The little angel was sat with her back to one of the walls of Sanctuary II, the ship of the purple man. He had taken her to the large ship to meet his daughter, Gamora but when they had gotten on, he explained to her that something bad was happening to her planet and that's why he took her away.

As naive as Elara was and how much she trusted people, she didn't believe that he had good intentions taking her.

She made friends though with both his other daughters, Nebula and Gamora. But not most of his other 'children'. They were rude and mean ans were always trying to make her train, which she hated with it wasn't with General Callisto.

So that's why she was hiding. In the furthest corner of her room for the past seven days. She hasn't left to eat or drink, only using whatever she had already in there for sustenance. It wasn't that she couldn't leave her room or was locked in. She only knew that if she did, she wouldn't be able to go back to the life she had.

Her head hit the wall behind her, the white hair cushioning the blow against the metal. She had been talking to her mother while she was in here. Just the two of them.

Her mother didn't normal say anything, just looking at sympathetically while Elara happily rambled on and on about what she had missed and how she was waiting for her to come get her. She didn't really know how they were talking, maybe a video call or something.

The little angels head perked up slightly when she noticed her mother sitting on the ground across from her. A wide smile on Elara's face form and she sat up all the way before talking to her, "Mother, you're back to talk! Okay, so while you were gone, I made you this thing,"

Elara leaned her body so it was still planted on the ground but reaching over to the underneath of her bed to pull out this stuffed animal type thing she had made from random clothes she had found and stitched together.

"So when you get here, I can give it to you in person!" The white haired girl said happily, her wings fluttering behind her as they shared her excitement.

Rosalind gave her a pitying look, a look of realization, before saying, "Elara, uh, don't you remember what I told you? I died. I-I'm dead."

Elara looked down at the ground for a second, "Oh yeah. I remember," She looked back up at her again as her face returned to its regular big smile, "Well, I'll give it to you when you come back to recuse me!"

Her mother looked at her sadly. A small tear rolling down her cheek, "Elara...I'm not coming back."

The angle looked at her in confusion, "Why not?"

"Elara, when-when people die, they don't come back." Rosalind moved her body so it switched places from crisscrossed to sitting in her legs in front of her.

Tears started to fill her eyes as she whimpered, "Ever?"

The woman shook her head sadly, "No...never."

With that, the projected memory of her mother disappeared.

Just her alone now.

Her eyes widened as rushes of emotions filled her when she realized what terrible thing had happened to her planet. It was gone. Her people were gone. Her family was gone. Her mother was gone.

No, no, no, no, no...

Loud sobs hiccuped through her body, Elara falling to the side as her knees pulled up to her chest as she cried over all the death the people of Elixiri. Her wings wrapped around her in a protective cocoon from the rest of the universe.

It only took a few minutes before both Gamora and Nebula opened the door, hearing her cries. Both of them looked around the room, heading her but not being able to see her. The green woman turned to look on the other side of the bed and saw the mass of feathers Elara was protecting herself with.

"Oh Elara..." She stepped towards before kneeling to the ground next to the young girl. Gamora reached both her heads between the wings to pull the girl up and into her arms.

With the white haired girls head tucked into her neck, she ran a hand up and down her back to try and calm her. Nebula was standing awkwardly behind them as she didn't really know what to do in these types of situations

"What happened?" Gamora asked her.

"She's...she's dead. They're all dead. She told me." Elara sobbed into her.

"Who's dead? Who told you what?" Nebula asked, kneeling on one knee, ready to fight whoever hurt her.

"My people, my mother told me she and my people are dead."

The two conflicting parts made the two sisters look at each other before Nebula realized what had made happening. She leaned in and whispered to Gamora, "I think she's been hallucinating from lack of water and sustenance." Cause Gamora to nod, putting the pieces together as they hadn't seen the young girl in days.

The only time the two sisters got along was in front of Elara since they didn't want to make her experience here worst with their fighting. They knew what it was like to be young and naive that a man took advantage of their trust.

"It's okay, Elara. I promise it'll be okay.."

As she listened to the calming voice of Gamora, the little angel pulled the stuffed animal she had made for her mother closer to her chest.

a/n: oh I'm gonna make a lot of y'all upset with this what I'm gonna do to Elara and Peter on this part, spoliers nobody dies

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