Chapter 4: Volleyball

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Rebecca's eyes widen as she sees the black hair in front of her house. She looks at her watch before looking at the boy again. I never knew guys could arrive in time.

"Hello." She greets, popping to his side. Shiki nods his head. "Hi."

As they walked to school in silence, Rebecca wandered what they should talk about. She mostly talked with Labilia or other classmates, and never really spoke to guys unless necessary. In her mind, high-school boys were still too immature to her taste.

But Shiki didn't look like them. He gave off a responsible and kind aura, despite the way he acted with her the day before.

A subject came to her mind. "How did practice go?"

Shiki turns his head, looking a bit surprised by her interest. "It was good. Every day we are improving on our receiving. I think we'll make a fine impression in the qualifications."

"Receiving?" She asks, confused.

"Yeah, it's what we call when we receive the ball."

"Oh, I see." She says, looking ahead. "Could you tell me more?"

"Really?" Shiki asks, eyes twinkling for some reason. "Do you really want to know? Usually girls don't care about these stuff."

He's so excited just by talking about something he likes. How cute.

Rebecca smiles gently. "Yes, I do. Tell me everything you want."

Shiki smiled like a child and began to explain the game, its rules and positions. Rebecca actually listened with interest and realized the sport was much more amusing than PE let it seem.

She was so absorbed in his words she didn't notice the school building was just up ahead. However, Shiki did. He got hold of her hand and got closer to her, continuing talking as if he hadn't done anything.

"W-What are you doing?" Rebecca asks, blushing a bit as she looks at their hands-

"Well, to convince people you gotta show some public affection, right? This is the fastest way to make people believe we are together." He says, his eyes so tranquil she calmed down a bit.

She gives his hand a slight squeeze, wondering why she suddenly felt so nervous. But then she realized this was her first time holding hands with a boy, or even talking so casually to one.

This was all new to her and she was but overwhelmed.

People glanced, stared and whispered as the 'couple' continued walking. Shiki continued explaining volleyball as if everything was normal and Rebecca tried to do the same.

As they arrive at Rebecca's classroom, Shiki lets go off her hand.

"I hope you don't get too distracted thinking about me." He says with a wink, which caused Rebecca to make a small smile.

"You really don't need to worry about that."

Shiki fakes a pout and Rebecca giggles. The hall almost stopped at the interaction between them.

Then, Shiki raises his hand and pats Rebecca's head, surprising her. Her eyes widen slightly before she looks up to meet his eyes.

They showed merriment. Maybe this guy isn't so bad after all.

"I'll be going then." He says, starting to walk as the bell rings and students enter their classrooms. Shiki's was just two door from hers.

There was no one in the hall, so Rebecca really didn't need to make a cute gesture to show off. However, for some reason, instead of just speaking, she reached out her hand and grabbed his jacket.

Shiki stops and turns, a little surprised. Well, not so much as she was.

"I... I'll go watch your practice today." She says a bit shyly. "If you don't mind, of course."

Shiki smiles. "Not at all. I'm looking forward to that."

As Rebecca entered her classroom, she was unaware of the happy smile on her lips.


"I'm so proud!" Labilia exclaims ash throws her arms around her friend, during the break.

"What for?"

"You did exactly what I told you!" She then lowers her tone, so only Rebecca could hear. "You got Shiki to date you!"

Rebecca sighs as she doodles on her notebook. Labilia grabs a chair and sits across from her. "Yes, we made a deal. I'll do one thing for him for one month of dating."

"What will you do?" Labilia asks, eyes shining with curiosity.

"I don't know. He hasn't asked me anything yet."

"Anyway, I indeed I'm proud. This will very good to you." She says, a contented smile on her lips. "I hope he isn't too rude."

"He's actually very nice." Rebecca says, her tone light. "He's sometimes a bit provocative, but that just adds to his ch-" The girl stops herself before saying the word 'charm'.

"To the what?"

"To his character." Rebecca quickly says. "Girls always like when a guy is like that, right?"

Labilia shrugs. "I guess. I don't really understand why though, they can be so annoying."

They continued to chat until break was over. While Rebecca searched for her books, and places them on her desk, she noticed what she had doodled.

A volleyball.


"Kyaa! He's so handsome and talented!"

"Just look at the way he jumps!"


This were the first things the B-cuber heard as she entered the gymnasium. A group of girls were on the benches, exhibiting banners and such. Boys were among as well, but far away, as if afraid they would be swallowed by the fans.

I would never guess volleyball is so popular. Rebecca takes a place a bit away from the crowd and looks down. Her eyes search until they land on the figure she wanted.

She had no experience but, in her opinion, he was really good.

"Shiki is just the best, isn't he?" Her ears perk up at the name.

"He is! I wish he would look my way."

"Well, that's impossible now."

"Eh? Why?"

"He's dating Rebecca now!"

"The Rebecca?"

The Rebecca tried to look natural, as if she wasn't hearing anything. Instead, she focused on the boy.

When he scores a point, she smiles happily and he celebrates with his team, since they had won the set. The manager hands bottles of water and Shiki looks up, as if searching for someone.

He didn't mind any of his fans until his eyes met the blue ones. Instantly, even his eyes seemed to smile as he drank his bottle. He waves energetically and Rebecca waves as well, more contained.

This small action earned a lot of attention but Rebecca didn't notice.

Then they resumed their game and Rebecca's eyes followed Shiki, wondering how he could jump so high. He probably could even jump higher than her own height.


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