Chapter 11: Expanding The Deal

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Rebecca half expected Shiki not to show up on Monday morning. They hadn't talked since Saturday and she figured it could be awkward to meet.

So, when she stepped out of her house and was greeted with a wave and a smile by that boy, she was, to say the least, surprised.


"H-Hi, Shiki." She greets back, smiling nervously.

When she said nothing else, Shiki started walking, gesturing for her to follow.

"After our date, I went with my family visit my grandparents and stayed the night. But they don't have any network, so I couldn't call you. Sorry about that, I forgot to tell you." He apologizes, an embarrassed expression on his face.

Rebecca's eyes widen with surprise. Why was he apologizing for something he couldn't control? She should be the one doing it, after being rude that day. And she wanted to apologize, her consciousness told her so.

She was about to when Shiki took something out of his pocket. A flyer.

"On the way here I saw this." He handed the flyer to Rebecca, who took it in her hands and examined it.

"A festival?" She asks.

Shiki nods, looking at her. "Remember the festival that got delayed because of those storms? They are going to host it in a month, with a special bonus. There's going to be a meteor shower!" He says with a bright smile, which reflected in his eyes.

Rebecca's eyes sparkle upon that, since ever she was little she had always loved the stars. "Really?! I have never seen one!"

Shiki looks ahead, his expression softening. "I also haven't. The festival seems pretty cool and well, I like those, and I was wondering if... well..." He scratches his cheek, pink dots on both of them. "If you would like to go with me."

Rebecca's heart skips a beat, and she feels her cheeks heating up slightly. The idea of going anywhere with Shiki was always pleasant, but to see a meteor shower with him just sounded amazing.

She claps her hands, tiling her head with a bright smile. "I would love to!"

Shiki smiles upon her excitement, his own heart beating fast. He was so happy that she had said yes. But then his features change, his face anxious. "I know that the festival day is beyond our agreement but... well, I'm sure we can work it out."

Then it hit her. Rebecca only had two more weeks of 'dating' Shiki, and if the festival was in a month, it would be about two weeks after the end of the relationship. They wouldn't be together anymore; they wouldn't be anything.

A sudden wave of sadness spread through her. In such a short time she became so used to having Shiki by her side that the thought of not having him was desolate to her.

Everything must come to an end... You already knew this.

"So, I was thinking," He continues, holding her hand. Rebecca didn't even notice they weren't near the school, so he didn't need to do it. "What about we expand our deal? For two more weeks, just enough time for the festival?" Shiki glances at the girl, who was looking intently at him, and looks away, embarrassed. "Or, if you feel more comfortable, we can go as friends. We can be those couples that continue to hang out after a break-up. Like in 'How I Met Your Mother'."

Rebecca giggles at the reference, and unconsciously gives Shiki's hand a squeeze. "I do want to go..." She wondered if she should say the words that her heart told her to. Giving a small pat to herself in her mind, she decided. "With you." She added, looking at the ground, a small blush on her cheeks.

Shiki thought it was incredibly cute.

"Well, if you don't mind, then for me it's okay to expand our deal." She admits, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Going as friends may give false hopes to my subscribers." She adds.

Rebecca didn't notice the slight pain in the boy's face. Was that the only reason Rebecca wanted to extend the date?

He quickly hid the feeling and smiles softly. "Well, it's settled then?"

Rebecca nods, a happy grin on her lips.


"Becky!" Labilia calls when she enters the classroom, sitting atop her friend's desk. Rebecca looks up.

"Hello, Labilia."

"Hey, check what I found!" She says as she shoves in Rebecca's face a familiar flyer. "A festival! You know I love them, they're a great opportunity for vlogs. Let's go together, we can make a collab! We haven't done those in a while."

They hadn't indeed. Not for some particular reason, they just hadn't found the time. That idea made Rebecca excited but then she remembered something.

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't go." She says sadly. "I'm already going with Shiki." Even his name was enough to make her feel calm and active at once.

Labilia frowns, crossing her arms. "With Shiki? But isn't the date of the festival after your deal is over?" She whispered the last part.

"It was." The B-cuber confirms, fidgeting her fingers. "But we want to go together so we'll extend our deal for a bit longer."

Labilia stared hard at her friend and Rebecca held her gaze with all her might. When the blue-haired girl spoke, her voice was a bit distant. "You're not seriously... into him, right?"

Rebecca blushed. "W-What? Of course not." She waves her hand, dismissing the subject. But her heart did not like the words she uttered. "We're just... friends."

Labilia arches an eyebrow, not convinced. "Then why are you doing that?"

"Because I enjoy his company." And that was truth. "It will be fun going with him."

Labilia pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to ignore the slight jealousy growing inside her. Since when did the two of them were so close? Why did Rebecca always smile when she spoke of him?

"I see." She says, her tone controlled. Then, she shakes her head and grins. "Well, enough of that! I want your opinion on this outfits I'm going to buy!"

As Labilia spread magazines in front of Rebecca, the latter giggled upon the excitement of her best friend, and a sense of joy took care of her.

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