Chapter 22: Little Steps

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It had been three days since that conversation.

Rebecca had wondered about, taking a lot of time to herself, gathering courage. She hadn't posted anything, but still kept her fans updated. However, she didn't inform them of the decision that was growing stronger each day in her heart.

Labilia did ask about it, but Rebecca kept it a mystery. Her friend, for the first time, would only find about it at the same time as everyone else.

At school, she didn't see Shiki much, as if he was doing what he could to avoid her. That obviously saddened her, but strengthened her will.

Rebecca wanted Shiki back. And she would fight for him, to regain his trust.

She was now walking home, after taking a ride on her bike. She looked around and spotted a market.

I want to change. And change begins with little steps. So...

She changes her direction, and moves toward the store.

I want some chocolate.


"You were a bit off your game today." Weisz comments, throwing a water bottle in Shiki's direction.

He grabs it with one hand. "I don't to hear those things from someone who doesn't know the first thing about volleyball."

Weisz smirks as he shrugs. "Well, were you?"

Indeed he hadn't. Rebecca had been in his mind all the time, her beautiful face gazing at him. Every time he could, he would look over to the benches, hoping to see her. But she was never there.

The two boys were now in Shiki's room, preparing for the festival.

Shiki tried to ignore the stinging feeling in his chest upon remembering the promise he had made with Rebecca for them to go together. It now felt as if that had happened so long ago.

He didn't want to go. But Weisz had been a pain in the ass, always annoying him, claiming that he should go precisely to clear his head.

"If you're not going to get back together, then at least take your mind off her for a night." He had said.

And then Shiki found himself getting ready in a yukata, upon Pino's insistence. His sister also wanted to go.

"Shut up." Shiki replies, heading for the door. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Hurry up. We're late and Homura is waiting for us."

He washed his face with cold water, hoping to clear his thoughts (it was in vain) before staring at himself in the mirror. Get over it already. It's just as Weisz said – you're not going to go back to her, so forget her.

But this was his mind talking. His heart was telling him very different things.

When he returned to his room, Weisz's eyes were wide, his face shocked as he stared at his phone. He heard Shiki entering, and looked up at him, his eyes equally shocked.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Shiki asks, suddenly worried.

Weisz simply hands him his phone. Shiki takes it, arching an eyebrow in suspicion, before glancing at the screen.

His eyes went wide with what he saw.

He was in Rebecca's B-cube page. A new video had been uploaded only minutes before, but it was the thumbnail and title that surprised Shiki.

Rebecca had no make-up on, her hair tied up in high bunny, wearing a large baby-blue sweater and pair of glasses. Even the background was different from the usual: it was a simple white wall. He read the video's title: "My True Self".

He stares at the screen, hesitant. But before he could stop himself, his finger touched the video, opening it.

And then Rebecca's voice filled the room.

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