Chapter 10: Go-Kart Date

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Just want to make clear that I have no idea of go-kart sites work. All the descriptions I made were made up xD But I do would love to go to one day!

"I'm going to ride this one!" Rebecca declares, standing in front of a blue, cool kart.

"And I will ride this one." Shiki points at a red, flashy one.

As Rebecca stared braiding her hair, the man that had oriented them, Haru, approached them again. He had explained the basics of go-kart and given a demonstration, gave them uniforms and time to choose the kart they wanted.

"So, have you two decided?" He asks with good humour, his hands on his hips.

"Yes." The couple says at the same time.

Haru laughs. "Ah, young love. Always adorable."

Both young lovers blush, looking away. Haru grins, patting their shoulders.

"Now, let's go!" He encourages, gesturing to the chosen karts. Girl and boy sat, grabbing the wheel, their faces showing excitement and determination.

At first, both were unsure and uneasy on how to drive the vehicle. Then, as they drive, confidence began to pile up, and soon they were comfortable, specially Rebecca.

As she drove past Shiki, she shouted. "Hey! Let's race!"

"What?!" Shiki yells back. The wind was not helping.

"A race!"

"A race? You're on!" He smirks as he immediately pressed the accelerator, gaining distance.

Rebecca accepted the cheating and accelerated, quickly gaining ground. Shiki was not expecting her to get so good so soon.

When one managed to surpass the other, the latter immediately gave fight. Rebecca found herself feeling so happy, so amused, that she didn't care about who would win.

And that was fortunate, since she lost.

Shiki takes of his helmet when he parks the kart and steps out, a victory smile on his lips. "Ha! I won!"

Rebecca remains seated, taking off her helmet as well. "Congrats, congrats." She says, clapping her hands. "You just won over an amateur."

Shiki shakes his head, running up to her kart. "Nah, you're not going to take this from me. I won and now I want my prize."

"Prize?" Rebecca repeats, arching an eyebrow. "And what do you want?"

Before she could react, Shiki leans in, touching her cheek with his lips. Her eyes go wide and heat spreads to her cheeks. She went rigid, shocked by his action. A strange feeling emanated from her heart, spreading to her body, enveloping her in warmth.

Shiki pulls away, his cheeks a bit pink. "I wanted this." He gives the girl a childish smile, one that looked adorable on him. Rebecca looks away, embarrassed. A hand appears before her eyes and she looks up to meet a pair of black, deep eyes.

"Come on. I'm hungry!" Shiki says enthusiastically. Rebecca smiles, taking his hand and getting up from the kart.

While they walked hand in hand into nearby coffee shop, Rebecca wandered why she wanted to feel that feeling again.


Shiki posed for the selfie, making a goofy face. Rebecca giggled as she took the picture, contented with the image.

"You're going to tell your fans where we went, right?" Shiki asks, drinking his milkshake.

The girl nods. "It's time. They are going crazy with guesses." She giggles while reading some aloud.

The couple spent a nice time, talking and laughing, strengthening their bond. Rebecca couldn't believe it had been just a week since she had met him. Many things had changed from then, and she was amazed by how comforting his presence had become to her.

A little bit of cream was left on his cheek. "You have some cream here." Rebecca warns, gesturing on her cheek.

Shiki tries to wipe it, but fails. "Is it gone?"

Rebecca raises from her seat, grabbing a napkin, and wipes it off. She seats again, grinning.

"Now it is."

"T-Thank you." He stutters, looking down.

Oh God. Is he embarrassed? By this small action? How cute! Rebecca thought.

"Hey, do you want to share a piece of cake?" Shiki continues, eyeing the shelf showing the pastries. "They look delicious."

Rebecca forced a smile. "No, thanks. I'm okay."

Shiki tills his head, peering so intently at her that made her uncomfortable. "What is it?"

"I haven't seen you eat any sweets since we met."

And she was hoping he would never notice. "Well, I haven't." She confirms.


"Because... "She tried to think of an excuse but nothing came up. She sighed as she decided it was better to tell the truth, since she didn't want to lie. "Because of my image."

He leaned a bit in his chair, curious. "Image?"

"Yes. As a famous B-cuber, I have a certain image to maintain. I can't eat sweets or junk food since I might get fat. And then who would follow me? One who defends healthy meals is caught eating sweets. I would be a hypocrite. I can't risk that." She explained while looking at her hands.

There was silence on the other end, but she refused to look up.

Then, a hand stretches out, grabbing hold of her own. "No one would think that." Shiki says softly. "Well, maybe some, but those don't matter. You're free, Rebecca, if you want to eat something, eat that. You shouldn't have to restrain yourself from having something just

because other people have a certain image of you."

She knew he meant well. And that he was right. But she had been pretending to be someone for so long, pretending to have a certain lifestyle for so long... that now she couldn't imagine things being different. She hadn't eaten anything sweet for about two and half years now. It was a struggle in the beginning because sweets were one of her weaknesses, but she was able to overcome it. She had to, for her channel's and integrity's sake. Rebecca feared once she gave in to her desire, she wouldn't be able to stop herself, and she had worked for would be wasted.

"Famous people like us must be on their best all the time and give an example to our followers. Even just a tiny amount of fat can be enough to disgrace our image." Labilia's words rang in her mind and Rebecca clutched her fists.

Shiki didn't understand. He was naturally popular, he didn't work hard to achieve that status like she did. He didn't understand the importance her fans had to her, how important their opinion was.

Because fans made her who she is. If they suddenly turned on her, started hating her, and she lost them... then what be left of Rebecca?

Rebecca forces a smile, taking her hand away. "Thank you Shiki. But... I would prefer not having a dessert either way."

Shiki's expression was a mix of sadness and concern as he watched the girl in front of him.

For the first time, Shiki felt as if a wall had been built between them.

What did you think of the first episode? I really liked the animation, and I'm excited to see everything animated :)

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