Chapter 25: Labilia

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His eyes widen, hardly hearing everyone gasping as the shooting stars began to be visible. He didn't look at them. He didn't even care.

The words Rebecca had just uttered were the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. And nothing could ever take his attention from that.

Rebecca blushes, her ears getting pink, under the intensity of his stare. He was looking at her as if she were some being from another realm.

"Y-You don't need to say it back and b-but I would appreciate if you said something-"

"I love you, Rebecca."

She stops to stare at him, her lips slowly forming a big smile that matched Shiki's.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to realize." He continues, kissing her forehead. "Sorry for what I put you through. Sorry for-"

Rebecca places her hand on his lips as she shakes her head. "Stop apologizing. I forgive you, you forgave me. There's nothing more that needs to be said."

They stare into each other's eyes for a long while, before Shiki became aware of what was happening around them. He looks up at the bright sky, eyes twinkling. "Look, Rebecca! The stars!"

"Woah..." She murmurs, amazed. It was as if it was raining, but with stars instead of water.

It was the most spectacular thing both of them had ever seen.

As they slowly turned towards one another and hugged close to each other, admiring the view, none of them wished for anything more than this one perfect moment.

Rebecca didn't know what the future would bring. She could only guess. And yes, that was terrifying, and scary... But as she felt Shiki's hear beating, she was sure she could face it all. With him.


"Oh, Rebecca! You're amazing!" Homura says as she pulls the girl into her embrace. "I was so shocked when I found out about your true identity and a bit hurt, but then all that vanished. It took courage to do what you did, and I admire you for that."

"I-I c-can't really br-breathe..." Rebecca manages to let out, Homura's grip too tight.

After watching the stars, Shiki and Rebecca had gone to meet with their group. The moment Homura landed her eyes on the B-cuber, she started going on how strong she was.

"I wouldn't be able to do that."

Rebecca makes a small smile. "I also didn't think I could. But..." She lowers her gaze to her intertwined hand with Shiki's. "Someone gave me strength."

Shiki squeezes her hand and smiles at her. He opened his mouth so say something, but something suddenly jumps onto Rebecca, nearly knocking her over.

Rebecca turns, about to lash at the person, when she realizes who it was.

"...Labilia?" She asks, amazed. "What are you doing here? How did you know where-"

"You should have told me!" She yells, her yukata's sleeves fluttering as she raised her arms in protest. "If you were feeling troubled, you could have told me! If you weren't feeling like yourself, you should have told me! We have been best friends for years, why didn't you say anything?!" She paused, which Rebecca mistook, thinking she had ended.

"I am sorry, Labilia, I really am-"

"I can't believe it! I mean, I get it, but I can't believe it!" She says, stomping on the ground. "How could I not see you weren't happy? How could I continue speaking with you, never realizing you were in pain?" Finally, Rebecca noticed the small tears at Labilia's eyes. "I... I'm awful... I should have realized it... I should have-"

Rebecca ran up to her, quickly embracing her tightly. She hoped some of her own emotions slipped into Labilia this way. The rest of the group wandered to a stall, leaving them alone. "What are you talking about, silly? I was the one acting wrong. I should have told you, that's right. But... You were so happy making collabs and planning our videos together. And had such fun, it wasn't like it was a sacrifice for me. I just... was so happy to see you happy, Labilia."

The girl sniffed, wrapping her arms around her friend's shoulders. "It was a real shock seeing that video." She murmured.

"I know."

"It took courage."

"Everyone is telling me that, but I don't feel brave at all." Rebecca says, giggling. "My friends were the ones giving me courage. You gave me courage."


"Yes." Rebecca nods. "Because I knew, even though you could get mad, you would still stay by my side."

"You dummy. What if I didn't?"

"I didn't really think about that." Rebecca admits, smiling.

Finally, Labilia smiled back. "Gosh, this was emotional." She says as she wipes her tears. "Have you seen the reactions you're having?"

Rebecca shakes her head, suddenly nervous. "I don't want to. I guess... I guess I am afraid to see them." She says with a nervous giggle.

Labilia takes out her phone, scrolling it until she reached what she wanted.

It took a few seconds for Rebecca to process what Labilia said.

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