Chapter 21: Me And You

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Sorry for not uploading this days, I was on vacation. But here's a long chapter to amend!

"They really broke up, I'm telling you!"

"But they looked so good!"

"They say she cheated on him."

"No! Really?"

Shiki hated whispers and rumors. Things that had nothing to do with people always managed to be said by their gossiping mouths, always searching for the next big scandal. He despised it.

Specially because it was a constant reminder of what he had lost.

He had wanted so badly to hold Rebecca as she cried in front of him, to stroke her hair and tell everything would be all right, that they would fix it.

But he couldn't. Because Rebecca had lied to him, had omitted who she was. Who she had shown all this time had not been her truly.

He thought he would be okay. Shiki had not known Rebecca for even two months, so he thought that it would impossible that she could become such an important person in his life in such little time. He was wrong.

Because when he walked to school on his own, without her by his side, her hand in his... It felt like a piece of him was missing. He hated it.

"I didn't cheat on her, she didn't cheat on me!" He yells to the people gossiping. They jump in surprise, suddenly looking afraid. Shiki was scary when angry. "What happened is private, no one has anything to with it!"

They quickly nodded and hurried away. Shiki sighs in frustration as his hands runs through his hair.

Even after what she had done, he couldn't bring himself to let everyone her secret.

How could Rebecca have so little self-esteem? She was great, so could she even think she wasn't enough? How-

An arm wraps around Shiki's neck, pulling him down. A hand messes his hair. "Hey, stop it, Weisz!" Shiki yells, managing to escape his grip.

He was smirking. "But you're so much better."

Shiki huffs as he tries to make his hair look better. "What do you want?"

Weisz's face turns serious, his hands in his pockets as he walks to Shiki's side. He looks ahead. "I don't know what happened between you two since you won't tell me... And I can respect that, all right? I just want to you to know... How should I say this?" He scratches his cheek, looking somewhat embarrassed. "I guess... I'm here if you need anything. To play videogames, to talk, to just do nothing at all... You were there for me when I needed because of my mother so... Well, what I'm trying to say is that you can count on me too."

Shiki's eyes widen in surprise, his heart warming at his friend's words. Shiki was really happy he had taken the first step to talk to the blonde boy.

For the first time in days, Shiki gave a genuine smile. A small one, but a smile nevertheless.

"Thanks!" He jumps onto Weisz, nearly knocking him out.


"You'll be good in a matter of days." Sister, the school nurse, says. She rubs Rebecca's ankle with a lotion before placing ice on it. "Next week you'll be back and kicking it."

Rebecca makes a small smile. She had always loved the personality of the nurse. "Thank you. I can't believe I actually managed to twist it."

"Honestly, you people always-"

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