Chapter 24: Us

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The play button appeared on the screen, seconds counting for the next video to start. Shiki stared at the screen, shocked, while the next video started. He quickly went back, wanting to see Rebecca's face.

He was speechless. Rebecca had revealed everything to everyone. For her. For him.

He surely hadn't expected that.

She had done exactly what he wanted her to. She had been honest and open about herself. But this had exceeded all his expectations. He wasn't counting that she would reveal it this way. So... boldly.

"I'll be where the stars shine their brightest."

Rebecca was waiting for him.

"Weisz, I-"

"Just go already." Weisz says as he pushes him forward. "After all that, I think she deserves you not being late a second more. I'll bring Pino along too."

Shiki gave him a grateful look, touched by friend's sympathy (he would never say it, though). He quickly rushed out of his room, going down the stairs as fast as he could.

"Where are you going, Shiki?" Pino asks, surprise written on her face as he tied his shoes.

"Shiki will explain everything to you. I'll meet you all later!"

And with that he was gone, running with all his might. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, in his chest; he almost didn't notice the pain in his legs as he ran.

He wanted to see her. He needed to see her.

Rebecca was probably scared. She had just dropped a major bomb on her fans, and they could turn against her, saying mean and hateful things. And those could escalate to real life. Shiki needed to assure he would be by her side, supporting her in every way he could, giving her love and attention.

Because she had taken that leap because of him. If he hadn't found out the secret, she would have never made the video. This possible consequences would never happen. And now he needed to take the responsibility for that.

Where the stars shine their brightest. He knew where it was.

"At the peak of that hill is where we'll be able to see the stars in all their glory." Rebecca had said once they had agreed to go to the festival together. "Where they shine their brightest since it's far away from the city lights."

"Then at the peak of that mountain is where we shall see the shooting stars." Shiki said sweetly, kissing her cheek.

She was there, waiting for him.

He hastened his pace when he saw the long staircase. He climbed up the stairs in two, ignoring his short breath, the pain, the cold of the night. All that mattered was seeing Rebecca.

He tripped on one step, falling forward, hurting his hands as he put them in front of him in defense. Quickly he rose and began again, thanking strangers for their worry for him.

Shiki reaches the peak and looks around, his breath rapid and short. It was so cold vapor flew out of his mouth. There weren't many people since this wasn't a known place, but Shiki wasn't finding her.

He walked around, panic starting to kick in. Had he got it wrong? Did she mean another place? But what could that place be?

He had already lost so much time and now-

He turned a corner and then he saw her.

Rebecca's silhouette was cut by the far city's lights and moonlight above her. Her hair was caught in a low bungle at the end of her head, and a beautiful kimono embraced her figure. She was leaning against the metal railing, a soft breeze making her hair fly smoothly.

"REBECCA!" Shiki screams, starting to take hesitant steps toward her. She was so close.

At the call of her name, Rebecca turned her body, a firework exploding in the sky as their eyes met.

("Damn it, the fireworks aren't supposed to go up now. It went up too soon!" One of the workers yelled.

"It was for the sake of the plot, my friend!" His colleague says.


Her eyes widen, her mouth forming an 'o'. She was shocked, frozen in place.

"...Shiki?" She quietly asks, raising a hand to her lips. "But I only posted the video minutes ago... How are you already here?"

"Rebecca..." Shiki breathes, taking more determined steps toward her. She looked beautiful, she was beautiful. And Shiki only wanted to touch her, to feel her against him. "You're here... I was starting to worry I had gotten the place wrong... But I...I..." Shiki breathes hard, barely able to catch up his breath from all the running.

Rebecca comes close to him, placing her hand on his shoulders, scanning him with a concerned face. "Why are you breathing so hard? What happened?" She looks down. "Why are your hands so hurt?" Her voice pitches higher with worry. "Your knees... God, Shiki, what on earth did you-"

Shiki envelops her waist with an arm, pulling her to his embrace. His other arm rested on her back, his face snuggling in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. Oh, how he had missed this. How he had missed her presence, her voice, her everything.

"You... I can't believe on what you have done, Rebecca." Shiki whispers in her ear. "It took so much courage. You're so brave, Rebecca, so brave."

Shiki feels her arms wrapping around him too. Her face was on his chest. "I'm not. But... someone told me that if we can't be strong for ourselves, then we must be strong for those precious to us. And you Shiki... You're so precious to me. I didn't want to lose you."

Shiki places a hand under her chin, tilting her face up so he could see her. The moonlight reflected on her eyes, making them shine. Her whole face looked mysterious.

"I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what I was thinking. You... Your fans.. What you did might-"

"I'm fine with that." Rebecca says serenely. "I came to terms with it. Because Shiki... I... I honestly didn't want to keep lying any more. You just gave me the push I needed."

"I never meant to hurt you. And I did. I'm sorry."

"We both weren't on our great selves." Rebecca says with a small smile, touching his cheek, her thumb caressing it. Her eyes were shining. "And you're here... You're truly here... I'm so happy you came."

Shiki looks at her in disbelief. "After that, you think I wouldn't come?"

Rebecca makes an embarrassed expression. "Well... I thought you could remain angry with me even after the video. Or that you didn't see it at all. Or-"

Shiki pulls her to him, silencing with his lips. His hold on her strengthens, wanting to feel as close to him as it was possible. Rebecca's eyes widen before she kisses back, placing her hands on his chest, clutching his shirt. She had missed this warmth dearly, she had missed his touch, his scent.

She didn't know for how long they kissed, or how many they had. Every time she pulled away for air, Shiki was almost immediately on her again, only giving her the minimum time to recover.

Not that she was complaining.

Shiki just wanted to recover the time that was lost. He wanted to keep on holding Rebecca on his arms, never letting her go again. Any distance between them felt too far.

"You're amazing." He whispers, as he kisses her temple. "I can't believe you fell for an idiot like me."

Rebecca giggles, the sound like music to his ears. "You're not an idiot, Shiki. You're so kind and honest and loving... I'm so, so happy I got to meet you. You changed my life in more ways you can ever imagine. I..." Rebecca trails of, her words not coming out. Shiki peeked at her, curious. Finally, she looks up to meet his eyes, her face more bright than the moon.

"I love you, Shiki."

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