(21) Can't Live Without You- :(

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Spencer's POV:
I was doing paperwork with my girlfriend, Y/N, who sat across from me, as a man dressed in all black came into the BAU office with a gun in his hand.

"WHERE IS SHE?!", the man in black said as every member of the BAU got out there guns. I looked to Hotch's office and saw he was looking out of his office window, looking what was happening. Hotch stood up from his office chair and opened up his door.

"Sir, please put the gun down and tell me who your looking for.", Hotch said as he pulled out his gun and walked over to me and the rest of the team. I saw Y/N looking at me with scared eyes, not knowing what to do.

"IM LOOKING FOR MY DAUGHTER!", the man in black said as he pointed the gun at Hotch.

"What is your daughter's name?", Hotch said as he slowly lowered his gun and pulled it in his belt. The man looking around as a few of non-BAU people quietly sneaked out of the office.

"Y/N! Y/N Y/L/N!", the man said as he lowered down his gun a bit but quickly lifted it up at Hotch. I looked at Y/N, who was looking at me. Hotch looked over to her.

"Y/N, come here and put down you gun.", Hotch whispered to Y/N. Y/N continued looked at me with shocked eyes as she put her gun in her belt and walked over to Hotch.

"COME TO ME, Y/N! NOT TO HIM!", the man said.
Y/N looked terrified as she looked at Hotch.

"Y/N, what are you doing?!", I yelled in a whispered, looking at her confused.

"I have to, Spence.", Y/N replied walking over to him. He grabbed her and put the gun to her head. He looked at her with a big smile.

"My sweet daughter, thought you could get rid of me so soon? I only killed a few people including that girl named- what's her name again? That's right Uh- Haley.", her father said.

I saw Hotch growing mad by the second. I saw Y/N with tears in her eyes, scared for dear life.

"Sir, don't shoot her. She did nothing wrong.", I said, putting my gun in its holster.

"SHE DID EVERYTHING WRONG! SHE SIDED WITH YOU IDIOTS INSTEAD OF ME! HER OWN FATHER!", he man said, yelling as Y/N cried. I hate seeing her cry.

"Dad, please no.", Y/N said as she took her last breath. Her shoots her as I shoot him. They both fall to the ground. I heard Hotch saying "call 911." I ran to Y/N while crying.

"Y/N, stay with me.", I said as I checked her pulse. There was nothing. "NO Y/N, PLEASE STAY FOR ME! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU!", I said as I felt my heart break. I knew she was gone. "I love you so much.", I said as I helped into her like life depended on it.

I wish I said I love her. We were dating for a few months but I was scared to tell her. I love her. Maybe even more than Maeve. No, more than Maeve. I knew she was my soulmate. Even only a few months of dating I still want to have kids with her and have a life with her. Maybe she loves/loved me back. I guess I'll never know.
This was probably shit and short. I'm sorry it was short and bad but I wanted to make one more one shot for today! Love you!👍🏻🤜🏼🦵(random hands and legs)

Word Count: 622

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now