7|He Is Hot

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Chapter 7| He Is Hot


I pause my coffee mid-air when I see Kelly walking into the kitchen looking like she walked out of a spy movie. Blake leggings, T-shirt and jacket. Her hair is in french braids and she has black sunglasses sitting on her nose.

"Why do you look like that?" I ask laughing slightly. Placing my hot coffee cup down on the counter safely.

"What? I thought it would make me look scarier." She shrugs, walking over and taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why do you need to look scary?" I look at her and can't help but laugh.

"I'm going to be surrounded by mafia people. I need to look scary." She looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"I could never see you as scary." She glares at me.

"I can be scary. Plus you're going to love the outfit I put out on your bed." She smiles at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I groan. "What have you done?"

I can hear her laugh as I make my way to my bedroom. I shake my head as I see black workout clothes and sunglasses laid out.

"Only for you." I curse myself as I do as Kelly wishes.

I get changed out of my sweats and large top and into my black spandex shorts and black sports bra. I zip the jacket up halfway and scrape my hair into a ponytail. I look at the glasses with a frown. This is going to suck. I place them on and laugh at myself in the mirror.

"Happy?" I ask Kelly as I walk back out into the kitchen.

"Yes!" She smiles at me. Rolling my eyes I grab the keys off of the table.

"Come on." We walk out of our cabin and make our way to the training area.

"Do you think they'll be mean to me?" Kelly asks as we come closer to others.

I look down at her small frame and know she's going to be a target. "If they do anything tell me. I'll fuck them up." She nods her head smiling.

"Great! I think everyone is here." A woman with brown hair and a strong build claps her hands as she looks over us all.

"Shall we start?" A man says beside her. He looks like the fucking rock.

"Right! You'll be put into groups and you will work together and against each other, we will assess who works well together and you will be paired up to complete jobs." He explains to us.

"What if we get split up?" Kelly whispers beside me.

"Don't worry. You with me." I assure her.

If anyone tries to separate us I'm having a fit. God knows what will happen if she is left alone.

"Okay listen in." The woman shouts gaining everyone's attention.

She holds a clipboard against her arms as she starts to call out the names of people and their groups.

"Group A! Nova Quinn. Eva Duke. Ethan Langston. Grayson Blackwell. Finally Liam Hale." She finishes reading off the names.

My eyes widen when I hear his name being called. Is he here? Where? I look around the crowd trying to find him. I stand on my tiptoes searching for the dark-haired, green-eyed boy I haven't stopped thinking about.

When my eyes connect with the same ones I saw in my dreams my heart beats against my chest at a fast pace. He looks even better than the last time I saw him, with a loose black T-shirt and grey shorts that show the band of his boxers. I come to believe he was here, this can't how this should be. It was supposed to be one night.

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