8|Thats My Girl

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8|That's My Girl


I watch as she stares at that boy, Alex. She looks just as stunning as the night I met her. Her long legs on show for everyone to see have me clenching my fists. My eyes follow her everywhere. I never thought I'd see her again, certainly not this soon.

As if she can feel my burning stare her eyes connect with mine. My anger dies down a little when I look into her blue eyes. She turns back to her friends and I already miss her stunning electric blue eyes.

"You look like a creep." I roll my eyes at Liam who stands next to me.

"Do you know her?" Ethan asks coming out of nowhere.

"She had sex with him!" I ankle slightly when I hear one of her friends shout.

She looks cute when she blushes. I have a feeling that's something she doesn't do often.

"You could say I know her." I shrug, proud that she allowed me to be with her, even if it was just for one night.

"How did you get her?" Ethan shakes his head in disbelief.

I've spoken to him a couple of times during events or business meetings our parents would have. I don't know all his secrets, we weren't so close but when we were the only kids around we got to know each other quite well.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused at his face full of disbelief.

"She's so out of your league." Liam nods along in agreement.

I look over at her again, seeing her looking at me with a red tint to her cheeks, making me smirk. I can't even argue with them, she is out of my league.

"Right! My name is Alex, I'll be your trainer for the time." I glare at him. What kind of name is Alex anyway? So basic.

"So, let's start with introducing ourselves." He looks around at everyone, a bit too long on the girls for my liking.

"Why don't you start?" He looks at Eva Duke. I'm surprised her brother even let her here. He is very protective of her.

"I'm Eva." She smiles at us all. She has a small figure which makes me think she's fast on her feet.

"I'm Kelly." I look over at Liam when she says her name. I recognise her as the girl we saw at the mall. I thought he liked her, I guess I was wrong though judging by the way Liam acts unbothered.

"I don't have your name here, Kelly." Why is he so annoying? Look harder dickhead.

"She's with me." Nova smiles forcefully at Alex.

I narrow my eyes at the side of his head as he just stands there and stares at her. I get she's fucking stunning, but you don't get to look. Only me.  She's mine. Well...if she allows it.

"You done staring perv?" I glare at him.

"Uh...sorry." He clears his throat, looking down at the ground.

"Well, I'm Nova." Just like that my mood brightens when I see her smile. Shit. This ain't good.

"Liam." He gives a brief nod at Alex.

"Do you think we get to punch him?" Liam whispers beside me.

"I hope so." He snickers at my reply.

"Okay, let's get you guys to the mats." He walks us into a building which I assume is where we will train.

"This isn't sketchy at all." Liam mummers as we walk through a barely lit hallway.

"Scared of the dark?" I tease.

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