28| I'll Do Anything For You

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Nova's POV

I narrow my eyes at Kelly who avoids my gaze, looking at the tv. I cross my arms over my chest and huff in annoyance. She's ignoring me and I don't appreciate it one bit. If it was anyone else I would have a dagger to their neck.

"Can you stop it?" She mutters.

"Stop what?" I ask innocently.

"Looking at me like I murdered your cat!" She huffs, turning her head to me and pouting.

I don't even have a cat.

"Well stop ignoring me!" I roll my eyes.

"I'm not." She turns her head again. I give her a blank stare.

"You blatantly are," I mumble.

I stare at her again, a frown on my sour face. She groans pausing the tv and turning her body to me. I perk up and shuffle towards her. "Speak," I order.

"What do you want me to say?" She laughs.

"What are you hiding?" I look at her suspiciously. She bites the inside of her cheek letting out deep breaths.

"I kissed Nathan." She admits. My eyes widen and a smile starts to creep up on my face. "No! It's not good." She cries.

"What? Why not?" I cast her a confused look.

"Because I also kissed Liam." She sighs.

"I don't see the problem." I shake my head. Great! She kissed not just one hottie but two! I would say that something to be happy about.

"Ugh! Because it was in the space of 24 hours." She widened her eyes at me as if that proves her point.

I blink at her with a straight face. "I still don't see the problem." She groans, throwing a pillow in my face.

"Hey!" I take the pillow and throw it back at her. She glares at me and throws the pillow on the floor, away from both of us.

"I don't know who I like, Nova." She mumbles, wrapping her arms around her legs.

I sigh and shuffle closer towards her so I can bring her into a side hug. "What do you mean, kels?"

"I like Liam, I really do. I mean, he always says the right things to make me smile or blush. I really really like him." She trails off.


"But, I don't know if I can be involved in a relationship with someone whose whole life is in danger twenty-four seven. I can't worry if he's still alive every day I'm with him." She rests her head on my shoulder as I rub her arm soothingly.

"You're involved in my life," I say, a pang of hurt hitting me. 

"That's different. I've known you since we were little and you didn't even know what was to come. I nor you had a choice to back out. But I have a choice now, Nathan or Liam."

I look down at her and consider telling her what I really think. "Kelly?"

"Hum." She hums, looking out the window.

"I think you should choose-

A knock at the door stops me and both my and Kelly's head turn to the door. I scrunch my brows up in confusion. Who could that be? I huff and begrudgingly get up from my comfy spot and open the door.

I gasp as I see Grayson. Before I can even utter a single word he blurts out something I never thought I would ever hear Grayson Blackwell ever say in his life.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

I stare at him as he stands there, in front of me, with a bunch of yellow roses in his hands. A small hopeful smile on his face. I know he's slightly nervous, which is rare to see because his hand runs down his jaw. I let out a breathless laugh, not believing what I saw. "Is this a joke?" I ask.

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