21|Dont Tease Me Angel

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Nova's POV

"This is just what I needed." I grin, bending down to grab the ak off of the dead body currently lying below my feet in a pool of its own blood.  I reload the gun with a smirk as I admire the black steel.

Kelly gulps beside me. "Who killed him?" She asks as she avoids the eye of the body below our feet.

I look at the corpse then to Kelly who looks pale and shaken up. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and steer us away from the body. I step over it with a shrug. "I don't know." I say. She nods her head silently.  I look down at her shaken figure in worry, if this is how she is seeing a dead body...

"Just follow me and stick to my side and you'll be fine. I promise." I say sternly as we come around a corner. She nods her head as she takes a deep breath, calming her nerves. I turn my head and push us both back around the corner, our bodies slamming against the wall.

"What's happening?" Kelly whisper shouts as my arm stays clasped against her shaking figure.

"I don't know. No one good." I whisper. Tears begin to form in her eyes. "Hey, I won't let anything happen to you." I say gently. She nods her head, silently crying. I hold my finger to my lips as I peer my head around the corner. Men in suits, bullet proof vests protecting them as they hold out guns. I silently curse as I realise there's four of them.

Against one.

"Okay, this is what I want you to do." I turn to Kelly. "You see that vent?" I ask pointing to the vent above us. She nods her head. "Okay, Im going to distract them and when I start shooting, I want you to run." I say. She frowns but nods her head.

"What about you?" She asks.

"Don't worry about me." I smile softly at her. "I mean it Kelly. Run and don't fucking stop." I say. She nods her head again, tears falling down her face. I bring her into a tight hug, wiping away tears as I smile at her. "Okay." I whisper.

I've fought many men in my life. Some much larger then me, stronger then me. Of course I was nervous knowing how easily they could overpower me. But I always had at least another person backing me up when I went against this many people. Now I'm walking in alone. Taking a deep breath, I plaster on my fakest smile and do what any man would fall for.

A damsel in distress.

I stumble out from the corner catching there attention quickly. Tears form in my eyes as I begin to think of my dead fish to help me cry.  May poor Aqua rest in peace. "Please! You have to help me." I sob as I stumble over to them, hiding my daggers. The gun left around the corner. "Someone killed my friend!" I sob.

Jake actually killed Aqua after dunking her in orange juice to see if she'd drink it.

I see one of them glance at another with a smirk then turning to me with fake concern.

A mans ego will kill them.

"It's alright 'darlin, I'll help you." He grabs my arm as I looked up at him with my puppy eyes.

"Really?" I ask.

His lips tilt upwards, "Of course." I smile at him as my tears disappear and my eyes turned cold. His smirk falls as he looks at me in confusion. Before he could do anything I grab my dagger and stab it in his neck. His eyes turn wide in shock as he grasps at the wound helplessly.

"Now!" I shout to kelly as she rounds the corner. She looks at me for a second and slides the gun across the marble floors before running to the vent. I watch as her small figure disappears and smile as a weight lifts off my shoulder. Grabbing the gun swiftly off from the floor, just as the other men begin to fire.

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